April - June

CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has raised concerns about the effectiveness of current arrangements in place within the criminal justice system to protect children.

Jacqui Durkin has visited the Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre to view the arrangements in place to protect staff and young people from Covid-19 and hear about their experiences.  She was joined during the visit by the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children Young People Koulla Yiasouma.  Ms Durkin thanked everyone who facilitated the visit.

CJI has responded to a request from the Committee for Justice for comments on the Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill 2020.
Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has published CJI’s Corporate Plan for the next three years and annual Business Plan which includes the Inspection Programme for 2020-21.
CJI has used social media for the first time to launch its 2020-23 Corporate Plan and Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2020-21.
A special edition of the External Prison Oversight and Human Rights Network newsletter has been published looking at oversight in prisons in the context of Coronavirus-COVID-19 pandemic.

The Chair of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) John Wadham has written to the Minister of Justice, Naomi Long MLA on behalf of the members of the NMP in Northern Ireland to highlight the vital importance of efforts to uphold the rights of people in detention and deprived of their liberty during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.


The UK National Preventive Mechanism 10th Annual Report has been published and laid before Parliament.

The report outlines the work of the NPM bodies during 2018-19