CJI News Archive

The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland, Jacqui Durkin, has highlighted the positive work undertaken by the Youth Justice Agency (YJA) to engage with children in the community who have become involved in offending behaviour.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has welcomed the commitment shown by the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) towards fully implementing 11 inspection recommendations made in CJI’s 2020 inspection of Probation Practice in Northern Ireland.
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland Jacqui Durkin/Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has launched a public consultation on its mapped policy for dealing with individuals whose actions or behaviour is considered to be unacceptable.  In this policy, the term ‘individual’ refers to anyone who contacts CJI. The term CJI staff refers to the Chief Inspector (a public appointee) and all staff employed by CJI.

CJI has today (5 July 2024) published its 2023-24 Annual Report and Accounts.

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has published its annual Business Plan incorporating the Inspection Programme for 2024-25.

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of the effectiveness of Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (OPONI) investigations of cases involving Abuse of Position by Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Police Officers. 
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of the effectiveness of criminal Court administration by the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Ireland (NICTS/’the Service’).  This will include case processing, preparation of cases for Court, allocation of resources to support criminal Court hearings and the Judiciary, pre, in and post Court administration including the recording and communicating Court decisions and the provision of facilities and equipment for hearings.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has published the first in a series of reviews assessing the effectiveness of new legislation that created a new domestic abuse offence and aimed to better support victims and children affected by domestic abuse.
Effective Neighbourhood Policing is a “golden thread” but Police Officer abstraction levels are concerning and community safety strategic reform is needed: Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland
An inspection of forensic services in Northern Ireland has called for strengthened collaborative working between Forensic Science Northern Ireland, the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Department of Justice to achieve their shared strategic vision of delivering world-class forensic services in Northern Ireland. This report highlights the need for more fully integrated and unified service delivery projects from crime scene to court that demonstrate high quality, timely and value for money benefits to the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of Forensic Services in Northern Ireland.  There are two principal suppliers of forensic services to the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System – Forensic Science Northern Ireland (FSNI) and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of the governance and operation of the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland (PCNI) including case management, risk management and operational support.  
The UK National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) has today published its 14th Annual Report for 2022–23. The report details the work carried out by CJI and other designated organisations to ensure the rights of those in places of detention, such as prisons and police custody. This year’s report warns that governments across the UK have repeatedly failed to take meaningful action to alleviate human rights concerns where people are deprived of their liberty.  
A new prison inspection process finds that while progress had been made against inspection findings at Maghaberry Prison and Magilligan Prison, there remained much to do to address priority and key concerns identified at recent unannounced inspections to improve outcomes for prisoners.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) proposes to undertake an inspection of Community Safety and Local Policing Arrangements in Northern Ireland.

The inspection will focus on the three main elements of the CJI inspection framework as they apply to the approach to community safety and local policing; these are strategy and governance, delivery and outcomes.
CJI Chief Inspector, Jacqui Durkin, has highlighted the complex and evolving threats from cyber crime and the challenges of effectively responding to it across the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.

CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin, has called for leadership, action and adequate resources allocated to deliver long overdue improvements in the care and treatment of victims and witnesses engaging with the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.

CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has welcomed progress made by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS), South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT) and Belfast Metropolitan College (Belfast Met) to implement recommendations for improvement made following an in-depth review of the operation of prison Care and Supervision Units (CSUs).
A new report by CJI has examined the way criminal justice organisations support vulnerable older people who had a fear of crime or who were victims of crime.
CJI has released the terms of reference for a new Review looking at the effectiveness of the implementation of Part 1 of the Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Act (Northern Ireland) 2021 (the Act).
CJI plans to integrate IRPs into Northern Ireland's prison inspection process to offer swifter assurance of progress against inspection concerns and a more adaptable approach to prison assessment.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (25 July 2023) published its Business Plan 2023-24 and Corporate Plan 2023-26. 
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (7 July 2023) published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2022-23. 
The report, which was approved by the Comptroller and Auditor General of the Northern Ireland Audit Office, shows the work undertaken by the Inspectorate during the last financial year.
A joint pilot inspection of Child Protection Arrangements in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust (the Southern Trust) area has looked at how justice, health and social care and education organisations work together to protect children where there are concerns about risk of harm.
Inspectors have called for urgent action to be taken by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) to address issued affecting outcomes for prisoners at Maghaberry Prison.

CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has called for a ‘fundamental reset’ within the Police Service of Northern Ireland (Police Service) and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (PPS) to improve their file quality and speed of case progression.
An independent review of the operation and management of Community Restorative Justice Ireland (CRJI) has made recommendations to improve oversight, corporate governance, record keeping and communication with partner organisations from the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justice Inspection (CJI) has today published the Terms of Reference for its Inspection for the Youth Justice Agency’s (YJA’s) community-based interventions with children in Northern Ireland. 
A Review looking at how Probation Board approved premises contribute to resettlement, rehabilitation and public protection in Northern Ireland has highlighted the vital role they play in supporting men and women who need additional supervision to manage their risk of reoffending after release from prison.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has highlighted the importance of criminal justice organisations having effective leadership development and wellbeing strategies in its latest inspection report.
CJI has published terms of reference for a new inspection looking at Forensic Services in the Northern Ireland criminal justice system.
CJI is seeking to recruit a talented and highly motivated individual with experience in digital communication and business to join our professional and successful team.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has called for called for consultation to be undertaken on legislative reform to improve the bail and remand system in Northern Ireland.

The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice Jacqui Durkin has today published terms of reference for a review of Community Restorative Justice Ireland and its accredited schemes.

CJI has today welcomed Dr Claire Feehan to its Inspection Team.  

CJI has published terms of reference for a new inspection looking at the criminal justice system's approach to vulnerable older people.
A new inspection by CJI of Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (Woodlands JJC) has praised the high standards of care and child-centred focus staff provided to children.
CJI working in partnership with Inspectors from the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) have today published terms of reference for a pilot joint inspection of child protection arrangements in Northern Ireland.
CJI wishes to acknowledge the sad loss and express our condolences to the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (8 July 2022) published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2021-22.
An inspection on how the Legal Services Agency in Northern Ireland (LSANI) is using its IT system to process legal aid payments to solicitors and barristers has identified improvements in its efficiency and effectiveness.

The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland, Jacqui Durkin’s current term of office has been extended for a further two years.  The announcement was made by the Minister of Justice Naomi Long MLA earlier today.
Inspectors are to undertake a thematic review of how effectively approved premises contribute to resettlement, rehabilitation and public protection outcomes in Northern Ireland.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin and Chief Executive James Corrigan have published the Inspectorate’s annual Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2022-23 – the last in the current three-year Corporate Planning period.

A new report looking at the detention of persons in the custody of the court in Northern Ireland has found the quality of court custody areas in some courthouses are not fit for purpose.

Leadership and staff at Magilligan Prison have been commended by Inspectors for their efforts to successfully protect prisoners and colleagues during the COVID-19 pandemic while maintaining a regime where time out of cell for prisoners was retained for much of the day.
The UK National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) has today published its 12th Annual Report for 2020-21.  The report details the work carried out by CJI and other designated organisations to ensure the rights of those in places of detention such as prison and police custody.  This year’s report focuses on the challenges and impacts of the COVID pandemic on people deprived of their liberty in the UK, as well as on inspection and monitoring bodies.
Follow the link to the UK National Preventive Mechanism 2020-21 Annual Report to find out more.

An independent Review of Care and Supervision Units (CSUs) in Northern Ireland’s prisons urges improvements to meet United Nations Standard Minimum Rules (known as the Mandela Rules) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons Expectations, to provide assurance and deliver better prisoner outcomes.
Inspectors are to undertake an announced inspection of Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (JJC/Centre) - Northern Ireland’s custodial facility for children - as part of its regular programme of inspections of places of detention.  

CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has urged criminal justice organisations to take account of the specific issues and sensitivities affecting women and girls under 18 years when dealing with females who are suspected or convicted of committing a criminal offence.
Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has welcomed the work of the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service’s Fine Collection and Enforcement Service (FCS) to reduce the level of outstanding fines and monetary penalties.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (7 July 2021) published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2020-21
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (7 July 2021) published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2020-21

Inspectors are about to commence an Inspection of File Quality, Disclosure and Case Progression and Trial Recovery from the Coronavirus Pandemic.  The terms of reference have been provided to the criminal justice agencies.
If you are interested in making you views known to inspectors about this important work please contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].
CJI has published the terms of reference for its thematic inspection of Leadership Development and Well-being support in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.  Initial scoping and research to  inform the inspection has been undertaken and fieldwork is now underway.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin and Chief Executive James Corrigan have published the Inspectorate’s annual Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2021-22.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin and Chief Executive James Corrigan have published the Inspectorate’s annual Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2021-22.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has urged criminal justice organisations to focus on taking forward all outstanding inspection recommendations following the publication of the No Excuse domestic violence and abuse inspection Follow-up Review.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has urged criminal justice organisations to focus on taking forward all outstanding inspection recommendations following the publication of the No Excuse domestic violence and abuse inspection Follow-up Review.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has welcomed work by police, prosecutors and the Department of Justice to progress inspection recommendations made in the 2018 Without Witness inspection to improve the criminal justice system’s handling of sexual violence and abuse cases in Northern Ireland.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has welcomed work by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to improve oversight of the use of police discretion including the use of penalty notices but identified that further work is needed in this important area.
The UK National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) has today published its 11th Annual Report for 2019-20.
The report details the work carried out by CJI and other designated organisations to ensure the rights of those in places of detention such as prison and police custody.
Follow the link to the UK National Preventive Mechanism 2019-20 Annual Report to find out more.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has today published the terms of reference for the CJI review of the operation of Care and Supervision Units by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS). 
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has today published the terms of reference for the CJI review of the operation of Care and Supervision Units by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS). 
An inspection report on probation practice has made 11 recommendations to improve the Probation Board for Northern Ireland’s (PBNI’s)  governance arrangements and deliver better services and outcomes.
CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has commended the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) for their considerable progress in implementing inspection recommendations made by CJI to improve how business crime is dealt with in Northern Ireland.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (12 November 2020) published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2019-20.   
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland, Jacqui Durkin, has today (11 November) announced Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) is to undertake a review of the use of Care and Supervision Units by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS).
Inspectors have commenced work on an inspection of how the criminal justice system treats females in conflict with the law.  Terms of reference for the inspection have been provided to the criminal justice agencies and are available to view or download here.
Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin talks about the findings of CJI’s first in-depth inspection of how the criminal justice system deals with modern slavery and human trafficking in Northern Ireland.
CJI is pleased to welcome two new appointees to its Inspection Team.  Muireann Bohill joins CJI having previously worked as a Senior Public Prosecutor with the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland.  Maureen Erne is a former Senior Investigating Officer overseeing Deaths in Custody with the Office of the Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. 
CJI's Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has today published the findings of a joint inspection of police custody arrangements carried out by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland and colleagues from the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA).
Inspectors are about to commence an inspection of  Effective Penalty Enforcement.  The terms of reference have been provided to the criminal justice agencies and are available Here.
CJI’s latest inspection report has looked at how victims and witnesses are treated by the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. Victims and Witnesses inspection Key Facts.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has raised concerns about the effectiveness of current arrangements in place within the criminal justice system to protect children.

Jacqui Durkin has visited the Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre to view the arrangements in place to protect staff and young people from Covid-19 and hear about their experiences.  She was joined during the visit by the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children Young People Koulla Yiasouma.  Ms Durkin thanked everyone who facilitated the visit.

CJI has responded to a request from the Committee for Justice for comments on the Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill 2020.
Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has published CJI’s Corporate Plan for the next three years and annual Business Plan which includes the Inspection Programme for 2020-21.
CJI has used social media for the first time to launch its 2020-23 Corporate Plan and Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2020-21.
A special edition of the External Prison Oversight and Human Rights Network newsletter has been published looking at oversight in prisons in the context of Coronavirus-COVID-19 pandemic.

The Chair of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) John Wadham has written to the Minister of Justice, Naomi Long MLA on behalf of the members of the NMP in Northern Ireland to highlight the vital importance of efforts to uphold the rights of people in detention and deprived of their liberty during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.


The UK National Preventive Mechanism 10th Annual Report has been published and laid before Parliament.

The report outlines the work of the NPM bodies during 2018-19
Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has called on the PSNI and Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (OPONI)  to work hard together to strengthen trust and repair damage to public confidence, following the PSNI’s failure to disclose sensitive information linked to an historic case in late 2018

CJI is seeking a new Inspector to join its Inspection Team on a full time basis.

A follow-up review on work to implement CJI inspection recommendations aimed at improving road safety and enforcement of road traffic laws has found only two of five recommendations have been fully achieved.
The inspection of a charity-run project that verifies threats made against individuals and families by paramilitary and other sources has found it to be operating with integrity to deliver clear humanitarian outcomes.
In 2017 CJI carried out a review of how Cyber Crime was dealt with in Northern Ireland and made seven recommendations to the PSNI for improvements.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin today met Justice Minister Naomi Long MLA to discuss the work of the Inspectorate and brief her on forthcoming inspection reports.
CJI Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan and Dr Ian Cameron from CJI have met with the Rt. Hon. Dame Elish Angiolini DBE QC, Ian Kernohan and Paul Allen from the Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations and Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing in Scotland.

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin and Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan have become the latest signatories of the Women’s Aid White Ribbon Charter.


Jacqui Durkin has begun her appointment as the new Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland by paying tribute to her predecessor and looking forward to the challenges of the role.

Outgoing CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has highlighted the importance and challenges of ensuring prisoner safety in Northern Ireland.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has welcomed the progress made by the Public Protection Arrangements Northern Ireland (PPANI) in a new inspection report.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has welcomed the appointment of Jacqui Durkin as his successor with effect from 30 November 2019.
CJI has published the findings of a review of the pre-release testing arrangements operated by the Northern Ireland Prison Service. 
CJI has published the findings of a review of the pre-release testing arrangements operated by the Northern Ireland Prison Service. 
United Nations experts are preparing a report on detention after concluding a 12-day visit to the United Kingdom during which they visited a number of different locations and places of detention.
A new CJI inspection report looking at Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) has found improvements in their operation five years after the publication of CJI’s initial inspection findings.

James Corrigan, Deputy Chief Inspector with CJI welcomed the reduction of administration costs and work ongoing to support local communities.

But he indicated there was room for further development in terms of the PCSPs’ public profile, governance and operational arrangements.

To support further progress Mr Corrigan said CJI Inspectors have made a number of recommendations which if implemented, would help to bring PCSPs closer to delivering the meaningful accountability and partnership between the community and the Police Service of Northern Ireland envisioned as part of the new beginning for policing within the Patten Report when it was published in 1999.

Today CJI Inspectors are joined by colleagues from the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) to commence a two day training workshop delivered by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMI Probation) in England and Wales.  The workshop is part of the preparations for CJI’s forthcoming inspection of probation practice in Northern Ireland.  The three organisations recently worked together to develop a bespoke inspection methodology to enable assessments to be undertaken of the quality of practice in Northern Ireland relation to cases supervised by PBNI.  At the end of the two day session CJI Inspectors and PBNI Area Managers, who have been selected to be Local Assessors for the inspection, will have been trained in the methodology in preparation for working alongside Inspectors from HMI Probation as part of the inspection team undertaking fieldwork in the Autumn.  This innovative partnership approach will ensure the inspection appropriately assesses practice in a local context.  It will also ensure probation staff are well placed to take forward the organisational learning resulting from the inspection to support the further development of probation practice.

The Department of Justice (DoJ) has launched a competition to appoint a new Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland.

The position is widely viewed as one of the most challenging positions within the public sector in Northern Ireland.  Further details on the role, candidate information packs and application forms may be obtained by accessing the Public Appointments page of the Department of Justice website - www.justice-ni.gov.uk/
Candidates can also email [email protected]; telephone 028 9016 9537, or apply in writing to Chief Inspector CJI Appointment Team, Legacy and Justice Transformation Branch, Massey House, Stormont Estate, Belfast BT4 3SX.

Applications for the post, which has been advertised both locally and nationally, close at 12 noon on Friday 9 August 2019.

CJI's Chief Executive James Corrigan, has today published the 2018-19 Annual Report and Accounts for CJI. Copies of the report can be downloaded by clicking on the link.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called for further action to be taken by the criminal justice system to improve how cases of domestic violence and abuse are handled.
This week CJI are hosting a Senior OPCAT Inspector, Emma Roebuck, from the New Zealand Office of the Ombudsman...
CJI’s Chief Executive James Corrigan has today unveiled the Inspectorate’s Business Plan for 2019-20
CJI’s latest inspection report on the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to the criminal justice system has reported that short term funding is creating instability for bodies providing support services...
CJI’s latest inspection report on the contribution of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to the criminal justice system has reported that short term funding is creating instability for bodies providing support services...
Representatives from the UK National Preventative Mechanism (NPM) will be appearing in Geneva today (6 May 2019) to provide evidence for the 66th session of the Committee against Torture...

CJI’s Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan has welcomed the progress made by the Youth Justice Agency to implement recommendations aimed at improving how youth conferences are delivered...

CJI has published the Terms of Reference for its review of the methods used by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to disclose information in respect of historic cases linked to the ‘Troubles’ to the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (OPONI).


The UK National Preventative Mechanism (NPM), of which CJI is a member, has published its submission to the Committee Against Torture’s (CAT) sixth periodic review of the UK.  The UK National NPM is made up of 21 bodies that monitor all types of detention in the UK.  CJI contributed to this submission along with other NPM members.  The review will take place on 7-8 May 2019 in Geneva and the representatives of the NPM will give evidence jointly with the three UK human rights commissions and the Scottish children’s commissioner.  The submission to the CAT is now available on the UK NPM website under ‘publications’ https://www.nationalpreventivemechanism.org.uk/

Rachel Lindsay, who represents CJI in the UK National Preventative Mechanism (NPM), is attending an NPM event this afternoon hosted by the IMB Secretariat.  The NPM Assistant Co-ordinator will be presenting on the work of the UK NPM and Rachel will be contributing to the discussion in relation to her membership of the NPM Steering Group and CJI’s role as an NPM member.  


Brendan McGuigan CBE will speak at the NSPCC Young Witness Service conference at the Belfast Harbour Commissioners Office on Friday 29 March.  The conference will address the subject of ‘Safeguarding young witnesses in the criminal justice system’.

The event will mark the 20th anniversary of the Young Witness Service and will bring together Sir John Gillen as keynote speaker, alongside guest speakers including Stephen Herron, Director PPS, Tim Mairs ACC PSNI, Brian Grzymek DoJ and The Lighthouse service in London.

The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland Brendan McGuigan CBE has confirmed that CJI will undertake a review into the methods the Police Service of Northern Ireland use to disclose information in respect of historic cases to the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland following a request received from the Department of Justice.
Terms of reference for the review will be drafted and when agreed, made publicly available.

“This work will be progressed as quickly as possible taking into account existing commitments to on-going inspection work,” said Mr McGuigan, who added he hoped the work would be completed within six months. 

The findings of the review will be laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly and published when completed.
CJI Inspectors have this week commenced work to review progress against recommendations made in its Driving Change inspection which looked at the enforcement of road traffic legislation in Northern Ireland.
CJI is to undertake an additional inspection during 2018-19 that examines the pre-release testing arrangements applied by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS). These include accompanied and unaccompanied temporary release of prisoners.
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice has welcomed the significant progress made at Maghaberry Prison three years after it was heavily criticised in a previous inspection.

Brendan McGuigan CBE is to continue as Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland for a further 12 months.

A report on how sexual violence and abuse cases are handled by the criminal justice system has highlighted issues around the timely progression of cases and outcomes for victims.

Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan highlighted his concerns around delay and the conviction rate for cases of rape and other sexual offences as he published the Inspection report.
"There are many dedicated people within the police and prosecution services working to secure a criminal justice outcome for victims who come forward but delay is a significant problem,” said chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan.
"Delay in progressing cases from the outset mean victims are living with the trauma of what happened to them without resolution in most cases for years.
“Attrition rates are high and more must be done to understand why victims are choosing to withdraw their support for a criminal justice sanction.
“We have made nine recommendations to improve how sexual violence and abuse cases are handled, but further work is required around the principle of consent and what healthy relationships look like.
“This is not an issue the criminal justice system can solve on its own,” he concluded.


CJI’s Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan has called for strategic goals to be developed inside the next six months to support equality work being undertaken by criminal justice organisations. View Inspection Report.

Earlier this year CJI announced that it was about to commence an inspection of ‘The Care and Treatment of Victims and Witnesses by the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland’.  During recent months stakeholder engagement has been ongoing with key individuals and groups that have responsibility for policy, practice and delivery. 
CJI's Chief Executive James Corrigan, has today published the 2017-18 Annual Report and Accounts for CJI. Copies of the report can be downloaded by clicking on the link.
An inspection report on the Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (JJC) has praised the standard of care and the child-centred ethos in place at the Bangor facility.  View report page
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has been awarded the CBE in recognition of his services to Justice in Northern Ireland in Her Majesty’s The Queen’s Birthday Honours 2018.
Brendan McGuigan has called on the NI Prison Service and Probation Board for NI to build on their current collaborative approach to resettlement in order to achieve the best outcomes for prisoners and the community. View report page.
CJI’s Chief Executive James Corrigan has today has unveiled its Business Plan for 2018-19. View business plan.
The plan outlines the work the Inspectorate intends to undertake during the incoming financial year.
“I am pleased to publish this comprehensive plan of work which takes into account issues raised by stakeholders as a result of our consultation process.  The business plan features our Inspection Programme for 18-19 which will include the completion of a programme of on-going Inspections and see work progressed on nine new inspections and seven follow-up reviews,” said Mr Corrigan.
The Business Plan, which also includes the organisational objectives and targets for the financial year, was approved by the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Justice in the absence of a Minister.
Inspectors are about to commence an inspection on the safety of prisoners held by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS). This follows a previous Inspection on the same subject undertaken by Inspectors in 2014 and published in October 2014.  A copy of this report is available on the CJI website and can be accessed here.
The core purpose of the NIPS is to improve public safety by reducing the risk of reoffending through the management and rehabilitation of offenders in custody, and delivery against this core purpose is supported by the strategic aims of NIPS, the first of which is ‘safe, secure and decent custody’. The safety of prisoners is therefore central to the work of the NIPS, and crucial for public confidence in the Prison Service.
Inspectors will meet with a range of justice and stakeholder organisations who work in this area.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work should contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].
'Inspectors are about to commence an inspection of how the criminal justice system deals with Child Sexual Exploitation.  The terms of reference have been provided to the criminal justice agencies and are available here.  If you are interested in taking part in this important work please contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].’
Inspectors are about to commence an inspection of the care and treatment of victims and witnesses by the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland.  It will compliment and build upon work already undertaken in inspections recently published by CJI on ‘The Starmer Review’ (Oct 17) and ‘Hate Crime’ (Dec 17) and on ongoing inspections into ‘Domestic Abuse and Violence’ and ‘Sexual Abuse & Violence’. 
Victims and witnesses need to feel safe and supported in order to come forward and give evidence.  For many this is a huge first step and having done so, the criminal justice system has a responsibility to maintain that confidence and to provide continuing support and engagement.  Inspectors will meet with a range of justice and stakeholder organisations who work in this area.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work can contact the inspection team by email at [email protected].
If you would like information on services currently available to victims and witnesses of crime, please go to the Department of Justice website by clicking here.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has this week commenced an unannounced inspection of Maghaberry prison. The two-week inspection will run from 9 – 20 April and will involve teams of inspectors from CJI, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons in England and Wales (HMIP), the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) and the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI).  A full report of the outcomes of the inspection will be published in due course.
Inspectors are about to commence an inspection of how the criminal justice system deals with modern slavery and human trafficking in Northern Ireland. Modern slavery is a term that covers the offences of trafficking and slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour. Its victims are among the most vulnerable people in society and can be hesitant to seek help due to fear of their traffickers.  Inspectors will meet with a range of justice and stakeholder organisations who work in this area.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work should contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan will take part in a panel Q&A session at the Policing Board ‘From Crime to Court’ seminar today.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has welcomed the work undertaken by the PPS over the last five years to improve its corporate governance and business performance.  View Report page
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan will attend Victim Support Northern Ireland Open Space conversation on the Ideal Criminal Justice System, to mark European Victims of Crime Day on Thursday, February 22nd.
The eighth Annual Report of the United Kingdom’s National Preventive Mechanism for 2016-17  has been published.  View report.
Inspectors are about to commence an inspection of how the criminal justice system responds to Child Sexual Exploitation in Northern Ireland. Inspectors will meet with a range of justice and stakeholder organisations who work in this area.  We would also propose to include the views of children and young people who have been victims of CSE about their experiences of the criminal justice system.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work should contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].
Inspectors are about to commence an inspection of how the criminal justice system deals with human trafficking in Northern Ireland. Inspectors will meet with a range of justice and stakeholder organisations who work in this area, and would propose to engage with victims of these type of offences to hear, first hand, their experience of the criminal justice system.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work should contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].

CJI is pleased to announce that it has transitioned from ISO 9001: 2008 after achieving certification under the new ISO 9001: 2015 standard following an independent audit.

CJI Chief Inspector, Brendan McGuigan is attending the Christmas carol service this morning at Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has described progress made at Magilligan Prison and the focus on prisoner rehabilitation as immensely encouraging. View report page.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called for a wider government approach to be adopted to tackle hate crime in Northern Ireland.  View Report Page.
Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan and Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan hosted a focus group made up of representatives from the Voluntary and Community Sector and academia to discuss their views on the inspectorate, Its objectives and the possible inspection Programme in relation to criminal justice in  Northern Ireland.
Brendan McGuigan attended the Public Protection Advisory Group Seminar in the Long Gallery, Stormont.  The theme of the seminar was "reducing reoffending - working across borders and boundaries" sponsored by Probation Board for Northern Ireland.
Brendan McGuigan is attending the Parole Board 50th anniversary event in London.
Brendan McGuigan is attending the Parole Board 50th anniversary event in London.
Brendan McGuigan has taken part in a VOYPIC (Voice of Young People In Care) Question Time.
CJI's latest inspection report has called for the PSNI to take further steps to enhance its response to business crime in Northern Ireland.  View Report Page.

CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has published an assessment of work undertaken by the PPS to implement the recommendations in the 2015 Starmer Review. View report page.


CJI's Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan has called for criminal justice organisations to change how they measure and report their performance. View Report page.
CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan is to oversee the work of the Office of the Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland from 1 September 2017.  Mr McGuigan will undertake the duties on a temporary basis until a successor to the outgoing Ombudsman Tom McGonigle can be appointed.
CJI has published the findings of its latest unannounced review of Maghaberry Prison following an unannounced two day inspection carried out in April 2017 by Inspectors from CJI, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP), the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) and Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI). View report page.
CJI's internet and email services have been restored following the Mass Service Outage yesterday.
CJI has published a report on the work of the Department of Agriculture's Central Investigation Service and Veterinary Service Enforcement Branch into fraud detection and compliance with agricultural regulations and animal welfare.  View report page.
Brendan McGuigan has voiced his support for the introduction of the mutual recognition of driver disqualifications between the UK and Ireland which has came into force today. View press release.
Today is Nelson Mandela International Day.  CJI uses the Nelson Mandela Rules in its work as part of the UK National Preventative Mechanism (NPM) in monitoring detention in prisons.  A blog by the Association for the Prevention of Torture, published today, highlights the work of the UK NPM in putting the Nelson Mandela Rules into practice. The blog can be read by clicking on the link

You can read more about CJI's work as part of the UK NPM by clicking here
CJI's Chief Executive James Corrigan has today published the 2016-17 Annual Report and Accounts for CJI. Copies of the report can be downloaded by clicking on the link.
James Corrigan, Deputy Chief Inspector, has presented the CJI sponsored prize to the student in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Ulster University, who achieved the highest mark in their final year dissertation.
Fieldwork for our Equality and Diversity inspection will continue over the next few months.  If you haven’t already contacted us and would like to take part you can still register your interest by email to [email protected]. To view the Terms of reference please click on the link.
Fieldwork for our Equality and Diversity inspection will continue over the next few months.  If you haven’t already contacted us and would like to take part you can still register your interest by email to [email protected]. To view the Terms of reference please click on the link.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called on the PSNI to take steps to better understand the challenge and scale of the threat posed by Cyber Crime in Northern Ireland. View Inspection Report Page.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has this morning commenced an unannounced inspection of Magilligan prison. The two-week inspection will run from 12 - 23 June 2017 and will involve teams of inspectors from CJI, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons in England and Wales (HMIP), the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) and the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI).  A full report of the outcomes of the inspection will be published in due course.
CJI will commence the next stage of the fieldwork on Monday 12 June 2017 for the inspections of sexual and domestic violence and abuse.  With the support of colleagues from Her Majesty's Crown Prosecution Inspectorate, CJI will undertake a case file review of cases received by the Public Prosecution Services relating to serious sexual offences and cases of domestic abuse.  Fieldwork with stakeholder organisations is continuing.
Brendan McGuigan, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice, will be attending the Police Federation for Northern Ireland 45th annual conference on Wednesday 31 May in La Mon House Hotel Belfast.
Cyber crime is a relatively recent phenomenon, the prevalence of which increased markedly in recent years. It is a matter of public concern and is regularly the subject of local and national news reports. Criminal Justice Inspectors have completed an inspection of how the criminal justice system deals with cyber crime in Northern Ireland and will publish their findings when a new Minister of Justice is appointed. The report will be published on our website at www.cjini.org in due course.
CJI has in conjunction with its partners recently carried out a second low impact inspection of Maghaberry Prison.  The visits are designed to support and review progress in implementing the changes required at Maghaberry recommended following the publication of its May 2015 inspection report.  The two day visit took place between 3-4 April 2017 and involved a small team of inspectors from CJI, Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons in England and Wales (HMIP), the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) and the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI). The outcomes of the inspection will be published in due course. 
CJI Inspectors have commenced a scoping study to inform the terms of reference for an upcoming inspection of the “provision of services by the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector to the Criminal Justice Sector”.
CJINI Inspectors are commencing stakeholder fieldwork for an Inspection of prisoner resettlement. Resettlement is the process of preparing prisoners for their release back into the community and effectively helping them to reduce their likelihood of re-offending. Inspectors will be engaging with a number of organisations who work in this area to gather evidence that will inform the Inspection. We would be interested to hear the views of any organisations or individuals who are interested prisoner resettlement. If you would like to contribute to this Inspection, please contact the inspection team at [email protected]
Inspectors have today commenced a scoping exercise to develop a Terms of Reference for the forthcoming inspection of the Public Protection Arrangements Northern Ireland (PPANI).  Inspectors will meet with representatives from the criminal justice agencies who sit on the PPANI Strategic Management Board in order to identify the key issues which need to be considered during the inspection.  Once the Terms of Reference have been developed, Inspectors will then commence a stakeholder consultation with organisations who have an interest in this area.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work should contact the inspection team via CJI's Information Manager using our [email protected] email address.
Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan and members of the Inspection Team hosted a group of undergraduates from Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent to discuss the purpose of inspection and the challenges facing policing.
The group were undertaking a four-day study visit to Northern Ireland to observe the numerous differences in policing and the criminal justice system in England and Wales and Northern Ireland. 
"CJI was delighted to meet with the students from Canterbury Christ Church University and hope they found their visit to CJI to be both interesting and informative," said Mr McGuigan.
Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan and Inspector Bill Priestley attended Ulster University at Jordanstown on 25 April where they delivered a lecture to a range of Crime and Criminal Justice students outlining the work of CJI and the current and future challenges facing the Justice system in Northern Ireland. 
Brendan McGuigan then presented CJI awards to the student who had submitted  the best Crime and Criminal justice dissertation and the best second year performer. 
This week Inspectors commence stakeholder fieldwork for two public protection inspections in the areas of domestic violence and abuse and sexual violence and abuse.  Inspectors will meet with a range of stakeholder organisations who work in the areas of victim support and advocacy and/or are represented on the DOJ/DOH Stopping domestic and sexual violence and abuse strategy Stakeholder Assurance Group.  Through this work Inspectors intend to seek to engage with victims of these type of offences to hear, first hand, their experience of the criminal justice system.  Any organisations or individuals who are interested in contributing to this important work should contact the inspection team by email to [email protected].
Today CJI Inspectors are undertaking a visit to the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit in Glasgow.  Part of Police Scotland, the unit is a national centre of expertise on violence and targets violence wherever it occurs.  Supported by the Scottish Government the unit has adopted a public health approach, treating violence as an infection which can be cured.
CJI Inspectors are undertaking a study visit today to Leeds to find out about the approach to addressing domestic violence and abuse in the area.  Inspectors will visit HALT, a charity who work with high risk victims of domestic abuse to reduce their risk of further harm and increase their safety and run the Leeds IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) service.  Inspectors will also meet with representatives of Yorkshire and Humberside Crown Prosecution Service and West Yorkshire Police to find out about work they have been undertaking to undertake the conviction rates for domestic abuse offences. 
CJI launches refreshed Web Site.
The Inspection into Equality and Diversity monitoring across the Criminal Justice System has entered the fieldwork phase.  Please click here to see a copy of the Inspection terms of reference.  Inspectors will be speaking with agency representatives and stakeholders in the coming weeks but if you would like to register an interest in contributing to the Inspection please get in touch using our [email protected] email address
The National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) which monitors detention facilities across the UK has today published its Seventh Annual Report and the findings of a data mapping project regarding the detention population.  Copies of the NPM press release,  Annual Report and the detention population can be downloaded from the NPM website www.nationalpreventivemechanism.org.uk.
The PSNI has been found to be fulfilling its statutory responsibilities to disclose information to the Coroner in support of legacy inquests but existing processes have been described as complex and convoluted. View report page
Information about the work of the UK National Preventive Mechanism can now be found on Twitter @UKNPM. CJI is one of four bodies Northern  Ireland contributing to the work of the UK NMP to safeguard detainees . #OPCAT #UKNPM.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called on prison leadership to not lose focus or momentum in their effort to  deliver change at Maghaberry Prison continues. View Report Page
Hydebank Wood Secure College and Ash House women's prison are delivering a 'significant improvement in outcomes' for the young men and women held there according to CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan, following the publication of two inspection new inspection reports.  View Hydebank Wood Report Page / View Ash House Report Page
Brendan McGuigan, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland has urged bodies with responsibility for enforcing road traffic laws work to more closely together to improve road safety. View report page.
Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has indicated that the east Belfast based Resolve community-based restorative justice scheme is making a useful contribution within the local community and can proceed to the seek Government accreditation. View Report Page
CJI has published the full report of an announced inspection of Maghaberry Prison carried out January 2016 by a multi-disciplinary inspection team. which repeats the initial findings made public in February this year. View report page
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2015-16.  View report
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2015-16.  View report
CJI has published the full report of an announced inspection of Maghaberry Prison carried out January 2016 by a multi-disciplinary inspection team. which repeats the initial findings made public in February this year. View report page
A new CJI inspection report has examined the impact of prisoner recalls on the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. View Report
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has highlighted the effectiveness and importance of a partnership approach to dealing with anti-social behaviour, where local communities are involved and working alongside statutory agencies to addressing local issues and problems in a new follow-up inspection review. View report page
CJI has today launched a recruitment campaign to identify a talented individual to join its highly motivated, professional, multi-disciplinary Inspection team on a full time or part time basis.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has today published the findings of an inspection by CJI and RQIA of the standards and conditions of police custody arrangements in Northern Ireland.  View report page.
CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has revealed Maghaberry Prison has stabilised seven months after the prison was found to be unsafe and unstable. Mr McGuigan welcomed the action taken by the Northern Ireland Prison Service to start addressing the serious concerns raised in May 2015 but warned progress was 'fragile' and a 'significant amount of work remained outstanding. View report page.
A follow up review of how life and indeterminate sentenced prisoners are managed in Northern Ireland has highlighted the importance of collaboration between local prison and probation services.  View report page.
Criminal Justice Inspection has today published its latest Corporate and Business Plan for the 2015-16 financial year. View Corporate and Business Plan.
In a new report, published today, CJI highlights the primary achievement of the Youth Justice Review has been that fewer young people are entering the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.  View full report page.
In a new report, published today, CJI highlights the primary achievement of the Youth Justice Review has been that fewer young people are entering the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.  View full report page.
The use of solitary confinement and isolation has been highlighted in the National Preventive Mechanism's (NPM's) sixth annual report.  The 20 NPM members across the United Kingdom -  which include CJI - found the practice was often inconsistently used and involved poor regimes for detained individuals and inadequate safeguards.   View press release. View NPM 14-15 annual reportView NPM website
Brendan McGuigan has been re-appointed as Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.  This is Mr McGuigan's first and final three-year re- appointment. The announcement was made by the Minister of Justice David Ford, MLA, earlier today.  View news archive
In CJI’s latest report, published today, the Chief Inspector, Brendan McGuigan, called for greater collaboration between the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (PPS), to address significant failings in the preparation of case files and the standards applied around disclosure. View full report page.
In a highly critical report, published today, CJI finds Maghaberry Prison to be unsafe and unstable.  The independent inspection by a multi-disciplinary team from CJI, HMIP, RQIA and ETI has revealed significant failures in local leadership combined with an ineffective relationship with senior management within the Prison Service contributed to the high security facility becoming unsafe and unstable for prisoners and staff.  View full report page.
CJI’s latest follow-up review, published today, highlights the importance of providing information on prosecution decisions to victims and witnesses, and welcomes the progress made by the PPS in implementing recommendations designed to take this forward. View Report Page.
In a report, published today, CJI welcomes action taken by the PSNI to improve how it handles emergency and non-emergency calls from the public. View full report page.
Inspectorate publishes new report today highlighting the need for Northern Ireland’s criminal justice system to work collaboratively with health and social services to help and protect adults at risk of harm.  View full report page.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has urged the NI Courts and Tribunals Service to continue its efforts to improve the use of the courts estate.  View report page
CJI's Annual Report and Accounts for 2014-15 which outlines the work undertaken by the Inspectorate and its financial transactions during the course of the last financial year has been published and laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly.  View Report.
A short animated film https://youtu.be/kGcn8wWVOuM made by and for young people, is being used to promote the findings of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Northern Ireland and help keep all young people safe from harm.
"The film which can be watched on You Tube explains in an engaging and informative manner the key recommendations from the Independent Inquiry.  It raises awareness of the issue of child sexual exploitation, the contribution made by young people to the Inquiry and their desire to feel empowered," said CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan.
Copies of the findings of the Independent Inquiry which was published in November 2014 can be downloaded by clicking here.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called on the  Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (JJC) to implement changes to meet the future challenges it will face.  View report page.
CJI's Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan has called for improved enforcement action to deal with environmental crime in Northern Ireland. View report page.
CJI’s latest report examines the effectiveness of youth conferencing as a means of dealing with children who break the law.  View report page
Inspectorate publishes follow-up review today, highlighting commendable progress made in meeting needs of victims and witnesses, but Chief Inspector advises no room for complacency.  Visit report Page
A new report on Magilligan Prison has called for more to be done to halt declining performance that is undermining the strengths within the prison.  View report page.
The use of discretion by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to deliver a proportionate and swift response to minor offending has been examined in a new inspection report by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI).  View report page
The National Preventative Mechanism (NPM) which includes CJI, published its fifth annual report for the prevention of torture and ill-treatment in detention this month. View report page
From 11 December 2014 CJI will relocate to new offices at Block 1, Knockview Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast, BT4 3SJ.
From this date, CJI's office telephone number will be 02890 765764.
The National Preventative Mechanism (NPM) which includes CJI, published its fifth annual report for the prevention of torture and ill-treatment in detention this month. View report page
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan revealed that a  lack of reliable performance information means it is difficult to assess the overall impact Police and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) are having in Northern Ireland. View Report Page
The findings of the  independent inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Northern Ireland has published its report following submission to the Ministers of Justice Heath and Education.  The report makes 17 key recommendations and a number of further supporting recommendations. View report page.
A report on how serious and organised crime in tackled in Northern Ireland has commended the efforts of the criminal justice agencies and urged them to maintain their focus on reducing the threat of harm to the public. View report page. View ebook
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has urged the NI Prison Service and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust to enhance prisoner safety within the next nine months by improving how they deal with issues of self-harm, suicide, bullying and drug misuse. View report page
The latest CJI review of the Police Ombudsman's Office has indicated independence linked to historical cases has been fully restored. View Report Page.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has praised the standard of service and quality of reports provided by the State Pathologist's Department but called for improvements to be made to administration and business practices.  View report page.
Criminal Justice Inspection has issued its Business Plan for the current financial year.  The Business Plan lists CJI's organisational goals for 2014-15 and the programme of inspections and inspection reviews/action plan reviews the Inspectorate intends to undertake. View e-book.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2013-14. View Report
CJI has completed an inspection of North Belfast and South & East Belfast CRJI schemes to assess their suitability to go forward to seek accreditation by the Department of Justice (DOJ).  View Report page
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has commended the Prison Service's Prisoner Escort and Court Custody Service for implementing over 75% of inspection recommendations and the work it has undertaken to transform the experience of prisoners being escorted and held in court custody. View Report Page.
CJI's report on Handling of complaints within the Criminal Justice system was found to be operating efficiently and effectively. View Report Page.

Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has welcomed steps taken by the criminal justice system to improve the attendance of witness and offenders at court. View report page.

CJI has welcomed work undertaken by Courts and Tribunals Service to improve how jurors are utilised within the criminal justice system. View Report
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has welcomed improvements in the performance and governance arrangements in place within the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland. View Report Page

CJI's Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan has called for the criminal justice system to develop a more joined-up approach to forensic services to meet current and future forensic requirements. View report page.
A CJI inspection report has called for greater commitment, ambition and creativity to be applied if current Department of Justice plans to implement 90% of the Youth Justice Review recommendations in 2014 are to be met. View Report Page
A new report by CJI has indicated the Police Service is cooperating  with the Police Ombudsman's Office when required to provide sensitive information for the purpose of investigation.  View Report Page
Brendan McGuigan has called for radical reform of the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission in order to stop increasing legal aid costs and inefficiencies. View Report Page
The cost and impact of the past on Northern Ireland's criminal justice agencies is revealed in a new inspection report by CJI. View Report Page
The contribution made by approved premises to the criminal justice system has been praised by CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan in a new report published today.  View Report Page
CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan called for greater focus to be applied to strengthening arrangements to deal with domestic violence and abuse incidents.  View Report Page.
A new report by CJI has identified improvements in how sexual violence and abuse is addressed by the criminal justice system. View report page.
Two new inspection reports looking at Hydebank Wood Young Offenders Centre and Ash House, Northern Ireland Women's prison have challenged the leadership teams at both facilities to deliver better outcomes for prisoners within their care.  View report page.
following approval by the Comptroller and Auditor General of the Northern Ireland Audit Office. View Annual Report.
Inspection reveals significant improvements by the NICTS to administrative arrangements dealing with court orders, leading to an accuracy level of 99.2%. View Report Page.
CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called for a partnership approach by all agencies within the criminal justice system to deal with public disorder when it occurs.  View report page.
CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has praised  the Probation Board for the work undertaken to address recommendations made to improve its Community Service scheme. View Report Page
Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has urged the PSNI to examine how it can best match its workforce to meet the future needs and demands of the community. View report page.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has indicated that community supervision standards in Northern Ireland surpass those of England and Wales in many occasions.  View report page.
An inspection of corporate governance within the PPS has found that sound structures are in place on which further improvements can be introduced to meet the  business and efficiency challenges now facing the organisation. View report page.
Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has welcomed the positive contribution made by the voluntary and community sector (VCS) to Northern Ireland's criminal justice system in a new inspection report. View report page.
CJI has published a follow-up review of police custody provision in Northern Ireland. View Report Page
The National Preventive Mechanism has today published its third annual report on detention in the UK. 
Brendan McGuigan has called for more to  be done to  fast track individuals who fully admit their guilt at the earliest opportunity through the criminal justice process. View report page

Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has recommended that the Office of the Police Ombudsman in Northern Ireland recommence the investigation of historical cases.  View Report Page.

A new inspection report on Maghaberry Prison by a multi-disciplinary team lead by CJI and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons has found standards have improved but further improvements are still required View Report Page
Brendan McGuigan has been appointed as the new Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.  The announcement was made today (30 November 2012) by the Minister of Justice David Ford MLA (read more).
CJI's Acting Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan praised the contribution made by PPANI to public safety when he was invited to address guests attending the launch of its Annual Report at Parliament Buildings.
A new inspection report by CJI looking at anti-social behaviour has highlighted the importance of partnership working between the justice system and other Government departments in addressing the issue. View Report Page
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its annual report and accounts for 2011-12 following its approval by the Comptroller and Auditor General  of the Northern Ireland Audit Office. View Report
The Department of Justice has launched a competition to appoint a new Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland.
A follow-up review by CJI has found progress within the PSNI over the last three years to embed the ethos of Policing with the Community (PWC) across the organisation.
On 23 August CJI Inspectors Tom McGonigle and Dr Ian Cameron met a delegation of 12 visitors on a study trip to London and Northern Ireland.
The delegates were on a visit organised by the Great Britain China Centre and included senior criminal justice officials and academics from the Centre for Criminal Procedure and Reform at Renmin University of China in Beijing.

“While we acknowledge that work that has been undertaken by the justice agencies, and particular the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service, the statistics relating to the number of warrants issued to police, the number of outstanding warrants and the number of fine defaulters being committed to prison remains significant.
“The benefits of early interventions have been well documented in terms of social, emotional, educational and financial outcomes. However, inspectors encountered a number of issues, including a limited overall strategy for justice agencies, a lack of co-ordination between Executive Departments, a cluttered landscape of provision leading to potential duplications and a lack of evaluation of outcomes,” said Acting Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, Brendan McGuigan.
Justice Minister David For has appointed Brendan McGuigan as Acting Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. View press release.
“Protection of the public must be at the forefront of any decision to release life sentence prisoners.  It is vital that they are subject to thorough assessment and testing before they can be considered for release as they have been convicted of the most serious offences,” said Deputy Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, Brendan McGuigan.
“The ways in which a police service makes itself accessible to members of the public and how it manages that first encounter is critical in helping to create confidence in the service user,” said Deputy Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, Brendan McGuigan.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has published its Corporate Plan for 2012-2015 and its Business Plan for 2012-2013.
“We found that the PPS has taken important steps forward in the development of its policies and procedures regarding the giving of reasons to victims on prosecution decisions and found many examples of good practice,” said Deputy Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, Brendan McGuigan.
“There are many challenges to providing high quality courthouses that are accessible and meet the needs of users now and in the future but what is plain is that a pragmatic solution and a realistic way forward must be sought,” said Deputy Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, Brendan McGuigan.
“It is widely accepted that many people who are the victims of, or witnesses to crimes, find the criminal justice process stressful and fear-inducing. Special measures are of vital importance in helping vulnerable and intimidated witnesses to give their best evidence,” said Deputy Chief Inspector, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, Brendan McGuigan.
Dr Michael Maguire was one of a number of speakers who addressed the PPANI Special Interest Seminar entitled ‘It’s Good to Talk’ – Communication within and between Agencies, which was held in the Ramada Hotel, Shaws Bridge, Belfast.
The Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland in a follow-up to a report, published in November 2010 into mistaken prisoner releases, has stated that there has been significant effort by the Northern Ireland Prison Service (NIPS) however there is disappointed at the overall pace of change.    
Entitled, ‘Not a Marginal Issue: Mental health and the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland’ the report is a follow-up to an inspection made in March 2010.
While some improvements have been made the CJI report shows that many challenges remain.
In November 2011 Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) who have responsibility for inspecting the United Kingdom Border Agency's (UKBA) immigration estate conducted their first inspection of two immigration short-term holding facilities in Northern Ireland. Both facilities are managed by Reliance, a private security firm. Although CJI do not have the remit to inspect UKBA, as immigration issues fall under direct rule, Rachel Lindsay from CJI was invited to participate in the inspection in light of CJI's role as part of the National Prevention Mechanism against torture and ill-treatment in detention in Northern Ireland. The reports of the inspections were published on HMIP's website on 2 April 2012.

 Improvements have been made in the management of cleaning processes and cleanliness of the environment at Roe House, Maghaberry Prison, but continuous attention is required to ensure that all necessary steps are being taken to minimise potential risks of the spread of infection to prisoners and prison staff.


The protocol, launched in July 2009, aims to protect vulnerable adults through the promotion of a multiagency approach to investigation, involving health and social care trusts, the PSNI and RQIA.  View press release. View report.
A collaborative Ministerial approach should seek to improve delivery of education and skills provision in Northern Ireland’s prisons as it continues to deteriorate.
The NPM is made up of 18 independent bodies and co-ordinated by HM Inspectorate of Prisons. It was established in 2009 by the UK government to meet its UN treaty obligations regarding the treatment of anyone held in any form of custody. The NPM should have the right to regularly inspect all places of detention for the purpose of monitoring the treatment and conditions of detainees, with the clear purpose of preventing ill treatment of anyone deprived of their liberty. This report summarises the activities of those members. View report.
THE Causeway system has now become an integral part of the criminal justice system impacting on its effectiveness and efficiency.

FUTURE improvements in the treatment of vulnerable prisoners within the criminal justice system are unlikely unless there is a change in the attitudes and behaviours of some members of the Northern Ireland Prison Service.

Dr Michael Maguire addressed those attending the CJI Conference 2012 on meeting the needs of victims and witnesses in the Northern Ireland Criminal Justice System. View Speech
“While considerable effort has been made to redress the problem, progress has been slow and indeed performance has got worse for Crown Court cases and for Magistrates’ Court cases which commence through report and summons,” said the chief inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland, Dr Michael Maguire.
In December 2010 CJI published its thematic inspection of the handling of domestic violence and abuse cases by the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. 
Inspectorate receives action plan in response to the report on the Juvenile Justice Centre.
An action plan details the Youth Justice Agency’s recommendations and response.
CJI inspectors will examine progress against the inspection recommendations and commitments outlined in the action plan when the organisation carries out its follow-up review to assess progress between 18 months to two years after the publication of the inspection report.

In November 2011 CJI was asked by the Council of Europe to deliver a series of seminars as part of a programme on the monitoring and handling of complaints against the police to be delivered in the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation. 

A report on the care and treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice centre was published today stating that further change is necessary to address the needs of victims and witnesses.
Dr Michael Maguire was one of a number of speakers who addressed the 10th Anniversary Conference entitled 'Challenge and Change - A new conversation for Policing in Northern Ireland' which was held in the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. 
Dr Michael Maguire was one of a number of speakers who addressed the 10th Anniversary Conference entitled 'Challenge and Change - A new conversation for Policing in Northern Ireland' which was held in the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. 
A report on Enforcement in Department of Environment (DOE) has recognised the good progress in increasing the profile and importance of enforcement with the DOE and its agencies. 

A report on the Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (JJC) has commended the professional practice and continued improvements at Woodlands. View press release. View full report. View Ebook summary.

A follow-up inspection report on prisoner resettlement by the Northern Ireland Prison Service was published today by CJI stating that, while the process of resettlement of offenders has improved the outcomes for prisoners are less obvious.
“The introduction of legislation, namely the Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008, has made a real difference in prisoner resettlement but there remains a greater emphasis on what is put into the process rather than the outcomes achieved,” said Dr Michael Maguire, chief inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.
Two follow-up inspection reports on Hydebank Wood Young Offenders Centre and Ash House, Hydebank Wood Prison published today by CJI have commended staff for their great efforts to improve the facilities over last 3 years but reiterated the recommendations made by the Inspectorate in its original 2007 inspection report, which stated that further progress cannot be achieved within the present regimes operating in both facilities, which both require a complete overhaul.
Dr Michael Maguire briefed the Justice Committee on its inspection into the independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (OPONI) from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).
An action plan prepared in response to CJI's thematic inspection of the ways in which legal services are provided by the criminal justice system has been submitted to the Inspectorate today.  The action plan which has been approved by the Minister of Justice, David Ford MLA outlines the work which will be undertaken by the Department of Justice, the Public Prosecution Service, the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service and other criminal justice organisations in response to CJI's inspection recommendations.
CJI inspectors will examine progress against the inspection recommendations and commitments outlined in the action plan when the organisation carries out its follow-up review to assess progress between 18 months to two years after the publication of the inspection report.
Dr Michael Maguire briefed the Justice Committee on the use of Legal Services by the Criminal Justice System. Dr Maguire called for action to improve how legal services are currently provided. View Report Summary Ebook, View PDF
The Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) has provided CJI with an action plan in response to recommendations made in its inspection of pre-sentence reports.

CJI's Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire has indicated the independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman has been lowered in an inspection report published today.  View press release. View full report. View e-book.

CJI has published the findings of an inspection examining the governance arrangements in place for the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland (PCNI).
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland is currently consulting on its revised Equality Scheme together with its Equality Action Plan. The consultation period will commence on 5 August until 31th October 2011.  View PDF.
Despite the majority of work undertaken by CRJI not meeting the threshold for inclusion under the Government’s Protocol for community-based restorative justice, Inspectors welcomed positive developments within the organisation and the value placed on their partnerships with other bodies. View press release. View Report.
CJI’s latest report looking into youth diversion in Northern Ireland highlights the importance, where possible, of dealing with young people appropriately through diversionary measures. View press release. View Report. View e-book summary.
Dr Michael Maguire briefed the Justice Committee on the work of the Criminal Justice Inspectorate, their inspection programme and reports due.

CJI has called for action to improvements the way legal services are provided across the justice system in Northern Ireland in a new report published today. View press release. View Report. View e-book summary.


Criminal Justice Inspection has issued its Business Plan for the current financial year.  The Business Plan lists CJI's organisational goals for 2011-12 and the programme of inspections and inspection reviews/action plan reviews the Inspectorate intends to undertake. View e-book. View press release.
The standard of pre-sentence reports prepared for the criminal justice system by the Probation Board for Northern Ireland has been praised by CJI Inspectors.  Deputy Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan said the inspection recognised the major impact that pre-sentence reports could have for offenders both pre and post sentence as well for the public at large. View press release. View PDF report. View e-book summary.
An independent inspection of public protection arrangements in Northern Ireland has highlighted progress made in the four years since CJI's last inspection was carried out. View press release. View report. View e-book summary.
Dr Michael Maguire has given a presentation to members of the Criminal Bar Association at its annual conference at Queen's University, Belfast on Saturday 4 June.  Dr Maguire's remarks focused on the findings of CJI's Not a Marginal Issue inspection which examined how the criminal justice system engaged with those with mental health issues.  View presentation. View report.
Northern Ireland's Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice  Dr Michael Maguire has emphasised the importance of good communication in securing the attendance of victims, witnesses and defendants at court in a new inspection report published today. View Press Release.  View Report. View e-book summary.
A new report by CJI has urged the Police Service of Northern Ireland to deliver against its stated intent of delivering personal, professional and protective policing to local communities.  View press releaseView reportView e-book summary.
Dr Michael Maguire has joined colleagues and stakeholders from across the justice system for a one-day conference focusing on Policing and Justice issues.  The conference set out to examine the key issues facing the local Department of Justice as devolution settles down beyond its initial phase.  In his speech, the Chief Inspector was invited to speak about the Challenges and Opportunities in developing the justice system of the future.  Among the speakers attending the event which is in its second year were Prof Shadd Maruna (QUB); Ronnie Armour (NIPS); Chief Supt Peter Farrar (PSNI); Alan Hunter (Law Society for Northern Ireland) Paul Doran (PBNI) Paula Jack (YJA) and Pauline McCabe (Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland).
Dr Michael Maguire has published the terms of reference for an inspection of the operational independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.  Work on the inspection will commence immediately and It is CJI's intention to seek to publish the inspection when it is completed. View press release.
Dr Michael Maguire, CJI's Chief Inspector is to lead a review of the operational independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (OPONI)from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).  The review is being carried out at the request of the Police Ombudsman, Al Hutchinson.  Work will start immediately to draft Terms of Reference for CJI's work, which will be made public when they become available.  Dr Maguire has indicated the report will "provide an impartial, evidence-based analysis of the relationship between the Police Ombudsman's Office and the Police Service of Northern Ireland."  He is to seek to publish the findings of the report by the end of June.  CJI has previously carried out inspections in relation to the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland in 2005 and again in 2007.  Both inspections can be found on this website by following the links shown.
Dr Michael Maguire was one of three distinguished speakers to address members of the Independent Monitoring Boards (IMBs) at this year's annual general meeting held in the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick.  Joining him at the event were the Justice Minister David Ford MLA, Colin McConnell, Director General of the Northern Ireland Prison Service and Dessie Bannon from the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust.  During his remarks Dr Maguire highlighted the objectives of CJI, the impact what happens within a prison can have outside a prison and  he looked to the future in terms of the role of the IMBs in delivering change.   To view a copy of Dr Maguire's speaking notes, please click here.
CJI has today published a summary of its inspection report findings for 2010. This document gives an overview of the breadth of work undertaken during the year by the Inspectorate together with the key findings. 
The inspection work is a mix of organisation specific studies, follow-up work on previous inspections and thematic inspections that involve more than one organisation. 

To view the document please click here.
CJI has today launched a recruitment campaign to identify a talented, professional individual to join its multi-disciplinary inspection team.  The campaign will be open for three weeks and will provide the successful candidate with an opportunity to join a vibrant, forward-thinking organisation and play a key role in delivery of a challenging inspection programme involving each of the major justice organisations during 2011-12.  For further information or to apply for this challenging post, please visit the vacancies section of this website.  The closing date for completed application forms is 5pm on Friday 15 April 2011.
Dr Michael Maguire has represented Criminal Justice Inspection at an awards ceremony hosted by the Butler Trust at Buckingham Palace.  The Butler Trust is an independent charity established in 1985 in memory of ‘RAB’ Butler (Lord Butler of Saffron Walden), a reforming Home Secretary, to promote and encourage prison reform and positive regimes in UK prisons.
Its annual Award Scheme and Development Programme, helps the Trust to develop effective care for offenders by identifying and promoting excellence and innovation by Prison and Probation Service and criminal justice social work staff, contractors and volunteers.  It also helps in developing and disseminating best practice in the care and resettlement of offenders throughout the UK and providing professional and personal development opportunities for staff.  For further information on the work of the Butler Trust, please follow the link.
CJI's Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire has welcomed the findings and new direction for the Northern Ireland Prison Service advocated by Dame Anne Owers and her Review Team in their interim report which was published today. View Press Release.
Dr Michael Maguire addresses the Justice Committee on the Northern Ireland Prison Service Corporate Governance Arrangements Inspection Report published in December 2010. View PDF
CJI is one of 18 UK-wide member bodies designated OPCAT responsibilities. Today, the first annual report of the UK's National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) is published. 
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland is today hosting its 8th annual stakeholder conference at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast. The theme of this year's conference is oversight and accountability.
CJI has today published an in-depth assessment of corporate governance within the Northern Ireland Prison Service.  The inspection examined the challenges the organisation faces in delivering a modern, efficient and effective prison service.  View reportView press release.
CJI has today publicly reported on how domestic violence and abuse cases are handled by the criminal justice system. View report. View press release.
CJI has today publicly reported on how domestic violence and abuse cases are handled by the criminal justice system. View report. View press release.
A new report on Roads Policing in Northern Ireland published today by CJI has welcomed the progress made in this critical area over the last two years to progress eight of the nine recommendations made by the Inspectorate in its original 2008 inspection report. View Report. View Press Release.
CJI has completed its report for the Minister of Justice, David Ford MLA on the Northern Ireland Prison Service’s enquiry into the erroneous release of two prisoners on 29 September and 1 October 2010.  View report. View press release.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has completed its inspection into issues arising from sexual offence cases involving the McDermott brothers from Donagh Co. Fermanagh.
The report was published today by the Minister of Justice and has been shared with the survivors involved in the McDermott brothers’ cases.  View report. View press release.
CJI has extended its thanks to those victims and witnesses who completed the Inspectorate’s recent survey.
The six week long survey was launched in September came to a close at the end of October. 

Derek Williamson from CJI and Susan Reid, of Victim Support Northern Ireland are urging victims and witnesses of crime to tell their story in order to help improve the experience of others in the future before the CJI victims and witnesses survey ends on 31 October 2010.  
Dr Michael Maguire has today published the findings of CJI’s recent inspection into the provision of prisoner escort and court custody arrangements in Northern Ireland.
The report made a number of strategic and agency specific recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of existing arrangements. View ReportView Press Release

CJI has today published its terms of reference for its inspection of the handling of sexual offences cases in Northern Ireland.

The Inspectorate was invited to undertake this work in September 2010 by the Minister of Justice, David Ford MLA, after issues were identified in relation to the handling of the case of the McDermott case in Donagh, Co Fermanagh. View more.
CJI and its inspection partners Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) have today published its latest inspection report on Magilligan Prison.  The report recognises improvements which have been made at the prison and calls for steps to be taken to address barriers to further progress. View report. View press release.
CJI has today published its Business Plan for 2010-11.  The Plan outlines the objectives and targets the Inspectorate has set itself for the current financial year and the inspection work it intends to undertake.  Copies of the Business Plan are available for download from the CJI website.
CJI has published its review of how hate crime is managed in Northern Ireland.  The review picks up where the original inspection report left off three years ago and reports on the progress made to implement recommendations made in 2007.  View review. View press release.
CJI has today published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2009-10.  The report, which was approved by the Comptroller and Auditor General of the National Audit Office was presented to the Houses of Parliament and laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly on Monday 26 July 2010.  View Annual Report
Criminal Justice Inspection has published a report into how the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland handles cases involving sexual violence and abuse.  View report. View press release.
Dr Michael Maguire has called for a change in the way justice organisations work in order to reduce the time it takes for an individual to pass through the criminal justice system.  The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice made the call following the publication of a major inspection report by CJI which looked at avoidable and unnecessary delays in the justice system.  View reportView press release.
CJI has today published its follow-up review of an inspection of Royal Mail Group’s investigative function.  The review examined progress made in implementing recommendations made by CJI two years ago in its original inspection report. View report. View press release.
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice today provided his first briefing to the Northern Ireland Assembly’s Committee for Justice at Parliament Buildings, Stormont.  During the afternoon meeting, Dr Michael Maguire provided an overview of the key findings of CJI’s inspection reports and follow-reviews since 2004 and outlined the areas the Inspectorate would be looking at as part of its 2010-11 Inspection Programme.  Speaking after the meeting, Dr Maguire said he welcomed the meeting with the members of the Committee for Justice and hoped this initial meeting would signal the start of a strong working relationship for the future.
Dr Michael Maguire today met with the new Attorney General for Northern Ireland Mr John Larkin QC at his office in Belfast City Centre.  The Chief Inspector was one of the first representatives from the criminal justice sector to meet with the Attorney following his appointment by the First Minister Peter Robinson, MLA and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness MP, MLA on 24 May.  The Attorney is the first local Attorney General to be appointed for 37 years.  Speaking following the meeting, Dr Maguire said he welcomed the opportunity to engage with the Attorney General at such an early stage and looked forward to working with him in the future.
CJI has praised Belfast Harbour Police in a new follow-up inspection review for the work it has undertaken to date to implement recommendations made by the Inspectorate in 2008.  View review. View press release.

CJI's Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire today met with David Ford MLA, Minister for Justice to consult on the CJI inspection agenda.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire has given a presentation to senior management team at Hydebank Wood Young Offenders Centre.  The presentation looked at the background to the Inspectorate and its objectives, the purpose of prison inspection and a view on what success should look like.  During his presentation, Dr Maguire discussed CJI’s recent vulnerable prisoners inspection.
CJI has today published the findings of its inspection of the management of jurors by the Northern Ireland Court Service. The report, which was largely positive, examined the experience of those summonsed as jurors from the point of notification and summons through to their arrival at court, to the pre-trial, trial and post-trial stages. View report. View press release
CJI Inspectors have praised the work of the Youth Conference Service in a follow-up review of the service published today.  The review assessed the progress of the organisation to implement recommendations made in the Inspectorate’s original inspection report published in February 2008. View Report. View press release.
An inspection of the PSNI’s Training Strategy carried out by CJI has urged the Police Service to link its policy more closely with the priorities identified in the Northern Ireland Policing Plan. View Report. View Press release.
CJI has carried out its first inspection of the use of consultants within the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.  The report examined the involvement of external consultants in traditional consultancy work and staff substitution over a three year period from 2005-06 to 2007-08.   The report has urged criminal justice organisations to put in place the same robust approach to staff substitution to consultancy – especially as expenditure in this area increased over the three year period from £10.9m in 2005-06 to £17.8m in 2007-08.  CJI’s Deputy Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan also recommended that when consultants were used, steps should be taken to ensure skills were transferred from the consultant to staff within the criminal justice organisation where they were working. View Report. View Press Release.
A report on fine enforcement in Northern Ireland by CJI has found that maintaining Northern Ireland’s high compliance rate is placing a substantial burden on police service and prison service resources.  View Report. View Press Release.
A report examining the treatment of people with mental health issues across the criminal justice system has been published by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland.  View report. View Press Release.
CJI’s latest inspection report has examined the operation and management of the Probation Board’s Community Service Scheme in Northern Ireland.  The report has recognised the positive contribution community services schemes. View report. View Press Release.
CJI has today published the findings of its follow-up review of community-based restorative justice schemes operated by Northern Ireland Alternatives.  The review assessed the progress of the organisation since its last inspection in 2007 and its adherence to the Government Protocol for Community-Based Restorative Justice schemes.  View follow-up reviewView press release

CJI's latest Annual Report and Accounts have been presented to Parliament.
Dr Michael Maguire has given a speech at a conference on Justice and Devolution hosted by the School of Law at Queen’s University, Belfast.
Criminal Justice Inspection publishes a summary of its inspection report findings for 2009. This document gives an overview of the breadth of work undertaken during the year by the Inspectorate together with the key findings. The inspection work is a mix of organisation specific studies, follow-up work on previous inspections and thematic inspections that involve more than one organisation.
CJI is today’ hosting is 7th annual Stakeholder Conference. The theme for the conference is Making Change Happen. Over 180 delegates were present for the start of the conference and to hear the Chief Inspector’s opening remarks. For further information on the Stakeholder Conference please visit our Stakeholder Conference webpage.
Dr Michael Maguire has urged the Northern Ireland Prison Service to continue to focus on the needs of vulnerable prisoners in a new report published today by CJI. View Report, View Press Release.
Criminal Justice Inspection has completed a peer review of Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate.  The review was carried out by the Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice Dr Michael Maguire and Stephen Dolan from CJI’s Inspection Team.
The work of the West Belfast Community Safety Forum (WBCSF) has made a positive contribution to the delivery of a safer community according to a new inspection report published by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland. View Report. View Press Release.
Criminal Justice Inspection and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Court Administration (HMICA) have welcomed the progress made by the Coroners Service for Northern Ireland (CSNI) to improving the administrative services in place to support bereaved families in their latest inspection review. View Report. View Press Release.
Criminal Justice Inspection and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary have praised the progress made by the PSNI to improve its Scientific Support Services in their latest joint follow-up review. View review. View Press Release.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published the findings of its inspection of a community-based restorative justice scheme operating in Newry and South Armagh. View press release. View report
Mr Bernard Hogan-Howe the new Inspector of Constabulary with responsibility for Northern Ireland has met with CJI’s Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire and Deputy Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan during a visit to Belfast

The Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland have developed an action plan detailing how they intend to respond to recommendations contained within CJI's inspection report dealing with arrangements for Life Sentenced Prisoners. View action Plan.

To view a copy of CJI's report which was published in April 2009 please visit the Inspection Report area of the website.


Criminal Justice Inspection has published the latest edition of its newsletter The Spec. Copies of the August '09 edition can be viewed or downloaded here.

A follow-up review published today of an inspection into the handling of volume crime and the use of police bail has welcomed progress made by the PSNI to implement recommendations made by the Inspectorate.  The follow-up review revealed that 90% of the recommendations which were within the PSNI’s ability to deliver had been achieved. View report. View press release.
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland and Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons in England and Wales have called for urgent action to be taken to improve performance at Maghaberry Prison.  Dr Michael Maguire and Dame Anne Owers made the call today as the findings of an unannounced inspection of Northern Ireland’s high security prison were published.  View report. View press release.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its latest inspection of Forensic Science Northern Ireland.  The report – which is the third published by CJI on the agency since 2005 recognises the progress made by the organisation to take forward the recommendations made in previous inspection reports.  View report. View press release.
Dr Michael Maguire unveiled CJI’s three year Corporate Plan and Business Plan for 2009-10 before MLAs and stakeholders from across the criminal justice system at a reception held in the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings today.  View plan. View speech.
A follow-up inspection of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland has shown that core prosecutorial decision making remains sound and the vast majority of decisions made by the PPS are correct.  The inspection carried out by CJI and Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate examined progress made against the recommendations made by Inspectors from HMCPSI and CJI in their original inspection report published in 2007. View report. View Press Release.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its first inspection report examining the standards and conditions of police custody arrangements in Northern Ireland.  The report which reviewed practice within the PSNI under the legislative requirements of PACE - the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 and the OPCAT principles found that standards across Northern Ireland’s 21 designated custody suites to be of an acceptable standard. View report. View Press Release.
An inspection report published by CJI has examined the training and development opportunities provided for prison officers within the Northern Ireland Prison Service. The report urges the Prison Service to move towards the provision of developmental training aimed at supporting officers to move away from a turn-key role to that of a role model for prisoners. View Press ReleaseView Report
Criminal Justice Inspection is hosting a meeting of 22 high ranking representatives from inspection and oversight bodies from across the United Kingdom at Hillsborough Castle.
Deputy Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan joined colleagues from across the United Kingdom in London for the formal launch of UK designated bodies for the National Preventative Mechanism (NPM) of OPCAT - the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture.
CJI has called for criminal justice agencies to place a greater emphasis on the promotion of equal opportunities in its latest inspection report.  The report examined the impact of Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 which requires public bodies to promote equality of opportunity in carrying out their functions.  View reportView press release.
Brendan McGuigan, CJI’s Deputy Chief Inspector has met with members of Derry District Policing Partnership to discuss the findings of the recent inspector report on Policing with the Community.
Dr Michael Maguire and Tom McGonigle have attended a meeting with Brian Purcell, Director General of the Irish Prison Service at its headquarters in Longford.  The meeting also enabled them to view the conditions and facilities at Wheatfield prison in west Dublin.  As part of the two-day visit, they also met with Judge Michael Reilly, head of the Irish Prisons Inspectorate in Dublin. The meetings were organised as part of the CJI’s on-going programme of engagement with criminal justice bodies, which assist in increasing understanding and awareness of practice in other jurisdictions within the Inspection Team.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its review of transition to community arrangements for life sentenced prisoners.  The review, which was carried out at the request of the Criminal Justice Minister Paul Goggins MP, examined the risk assessment and management processes in place within the Northern Ireland Prison Service, the Probation Board for Northern Ireland and the Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland.  The review revealed that public protection was paramount in all decision made in relation to life sentence prisoners and that the arrangements in place in Northern Ireland compared favourably with those in other jurisdictions.  During the course of the review, Inspectors identified a number of weaknesses within the existing arrangements that could have a negative impact on the review process.  This would be of particular concern if and when increased numbers of prisoners became subject to oversight by the Parole Commissioners as a result of changes in legislation brought about by the Criminal Justice Order 2008.  The Inspectorate has made a number of recommendations to address these weaknesses and will be returning to revisit the subject in a follow-up review to assess progress in about 18 months time. To view the response of the Northern Ireland Prison Service to the review, please follow this link to their website
As part of on-going dialogue and engagement with other partner Inspectorates working in the criminal justice field Dr Michael Maguire has met with Andrew McLellan from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland.  He also toured Edinburgh Prison during his one-day visit.
CJI and HMIC have jointly published their inspection report on Policing with the Community in Northern Ireland.  The inspection report looks at the work carried out by the PSNI in the 10 years since the Patten Report was published to embed policing with the community as the core policing ethos. View Report, View Press Release

Dr Michael Maguire and Brendan McGuigan attended an event hosted by the Northern Ireland Office at Hillsborough Castle focusing on Engaging with the Community.

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has been designated as one of the bodies to form UK’s National Preventative Mechanism (UK NPM) in accordance with the Operational Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).  As part of the ratification process for OPCAT, the Government has announced CJI will be one of a number of existing inspection bodies directed to carry out a system of regular visits to places of detention in order to prevent the torture and other cruel, in human or degrading treatment or punishment of detained persons.  A written ministerial statement  identifying the bodies selected across the UK to form the UK NPM was presented to Parliament by Michael Wills MP, Minister of State with the Department of Justice today.  Other bodies designated alongside CJI as part of the UK NPM for Northern Ireland include the Independent Monitoring Boards (IMB), the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) and the Northern Ireland Policing Board Independent Custody Visiting Scheme (NIPBICVS). 

Dr Michael Maguire has represented Criminal Justice Inspection at an awards ceremony hosted by the Butler Trust at Buckingham Palace.  The Butler Trust is an independent charity established in 1985 in memory of ‘RAB’ Butler (Lord Butler of Saffron Walden), a reforming Home Secretary, to promote and encourage prison reform and positive regimes in UK prisons.
Dr Michael Maguire has today spoken with students of the University of Ulster’s Graduate School of Professional Legal Education at Magee Campus about accountability within the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published a special edition of its newsletter dedicated to its 2009 Stakeholder Conference.
CJI’s Chief Inspector provided an insight into the similarities between inspection and management consultancy when he addressed the HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspection staff conference in London.
Representatives of CJI attended a community engagement initiative in the Millennium Forum, Londonderry/Derry hosted by the Policing Board to promote the work being carried out by the Inspectorate.
Rachel Tupling from CJI was one of four speakers to address a DPP training event in Cookstown looking at the issue of anti-social behaviour.
Dr Michael Maguire addressed the Annual General Meeting of the Children’s Law Centre in Belfast.  The Chief Inspector used the meeting to discuss CJI’s proposed inspection agenda with the representatives of the voluntary and community sector who were present.
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland has met members of the Criminal Justice Issues Board to as part of CJI’s on-going engagement with representatives of from the criminal justice sector on its future inspection agenda.

CJI has launched a recruitment campaign to identify two talented individuals to join its highly motivated, professional, multi-disciplinary Inspection team.

The successful candidates will be involved in preparing the programme of inspection, leading in the pre-inspection of organisations and will participate in formal inspections in accordance with relevant legislation. 

They will also be required to lead in the production of draft inspection reports and make recommendations that will generate performance improvement.  In addition, their role will involve establishing and developing networks and relationships within the criminal justice sector as well as co-ordinating the running of multiple inspections, ensuring that operational and strategic aims are achieved.
“As we are preparing a very challenging inspection programme for 2009 that deals with important issues within each of the major justice organisations, we are keen to hear from candidates that have knowledge, skills and experience that will further enhance CJI’s existing inspection team,” said CJI’s Deputy Chief Inspector, Brendan McGuigan.
For further information on these positions, interested individuals should contact Claire McKee at Clarendon Executive , 12b Clarendon Road, Clarendon Dock, Belfast, BT1 3BG, [email protected]  or phone 028 90 725750.  Information on theses posts can also be found on the Vacancies page of this website.  The closing date for completed application forms is 5pm on Monday 9th February. 
CJI is currently finalising plans for its 2009 Stakeholder Conference which is due to be held in the La Mon Hotel, Belfast on Tuesday 27 January.  A distinguished panel of speakers are due to participate in the event which will look at the topic ‘Managing criminal justice in a devolved setting: New Opportunities?
James Corrigan has met with representatives of the Finnish Forensic Science Service in Helsinki to assess their processes and procedures and the type of service they provide to the criminal justice system in Finland.
Dr Michael Maguire sought the views of members of Fermanagh District Policing Partnership on the issues they felt CJI should be addressing during a meeting held at the Pond Park Centre in Lisnaskea.
James Corrigan gave a presentation on the findings of CJI’s Roads Policing inspection report to members of Dungannon and South Tyrone District Policing Partnership during a meeting held at the Council Offices in Dungannon.  The DPP members present at the meeting extended a warm welcome to James and showed great interest in the findings of the report and the implications for Roads Policing in their local area.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2007-08.  Copies of the report can be downloaded by following this link or hard copies can be obtained by contacting CJI directly by phone, fax, email or letter.
Dr Michael Maguire, Bill Priestley and Tom McGonigle met with representatives of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture during their visit to Northern Ireland to assess conditions at Maghaberry and Magilligan Prisons and PSNI custody suites.

Dr Michael Maguire was one of a number of guest speakers who addressed the first day of the 2008 Courts Conference hosted by the Northern Ireland Court Service at the Inn of Courts, Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast.  The event was attended by representatives of all of the court jurisdictions within the British Isles.  Other speakers who addressed the conference were senior officials within the courts services across these jurisdictions.



CJI’s Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire was one of a number of speakers invited to address this year’s Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland Conference.  The theme of the event held at the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick, was Working Together for Public Protection.  During his speech, Dr Maguire highlighted the role of the inspection process played in developing the criminal justice system and the contribution CJI could make to building confidence in the criminal justice system and demystifying it for the community.  The event which brought together representatives from across the criminal justice sector also incorporated the 2008 Criminal Justice Awards which promote best practice across the system.  The awards were presented by the Criminal Justice Minister Paul Goggins MP.

Criminal Justice Inspection and the Northern Ireland Prison Service jointly hosted a three day fact-finding visit to Northern Ireland by Ritta-Leena Salovaara (Inspection Manager) and Ari Juuti (Senior Inspector with the Finnish Criminal Sanctions Agency,  During their visit, they visited Maghaberry and Magilligan Prisons and the Young Offender Centre at Hydebank Wood.  The visit provided an opportunity to showcase the benefits of collaborative working between CJI and the Northern Ireland Prison Service.  The representatives of the Finnish Criminal Sanctions Agency were accompanied on their prison visits by Dr Michael Maguire and Tom McGonigle from CJI.  Speaking after the visit, Tom  said the visit provided an opportunity for CJI to learn about practice and procedures in other countries.

Tom McGonigle presented a paper on Correctional Oversight – Challenges, Prospects and Lessons at a workshop as part of the annual conference of the International Corrections and Prisons Association in Prague, Czech Republic.  Other workshop speakers included the Correctional Investigator of Canada  Howard Sapers, the recently retired Chief Inspector of Prisons of Western Australia, Richard Harding and the Director of Prisoners Rehabilitation and Welfare Action from Nigeria, Uju Agomoh.  Over 350 delegates attended the international conference.

Dr Michael Maguire gave a speech to delegates attending the Extern Conference held at the Dunadry Hotel, Templepatrick on the challenges facing criminal justice system in the future.  The conference celebrated Extern’s 30 years of providing services to children adults and communities facing social exclusion in Northern Ireland. To find out more about Extern’s work across Ireland, please follow this link.
Dr Michael Maguire gave a speech to delegates attending the Extern Conference held at the Dunadry Hotel, Templepatrick on the challenges facing criminal justice system in the future.  The conference celebrated Extern’s 30 years of providing services to children adults and communities facing social exclusion in Northern Ireland.
A new report by Criminal Justice Inspection has examined the operation and effectiveness of anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) in Northern Ireland.  The report looks at how the PSNI, Northern Ireland Housing Executive and 26 local Councils were making their ASBO applications and undertaking their responsibilities since the legislation was introduced in 2004.  Commenting on the findings, CJI’s Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire said that overall, a sensible approach had been demonstrated by the various agencies to the introduction of ASBOs, and that they had learned from the experience of colleagues in England and Wales.  To view or download a copy of the report please click here or to see our press release, please visit the press release page

Criminal Justice Inspection has published the latest edition of its newsletter The Spec. Copies of the October '08 edition can be viewed or downloaded here.


Brendan McGuigan, Deputy Chief Inspector, gave a presentation at the BMF Modern and Efficient Government Conference in the Stormont Hotel on Wednesday 17 September 2008.  A copy of the presentation can be downloaded here.


Paul Googins MP and Dr Michael MaguireCJI’s new Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire has met with the Criminal Justice Minister Paul Goggins MP for the first time since taking up his post.  The Chief Inspector said he welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Minister and looked forward to working with him in the future.

Speaking about his appointment as the head of CJI, Dr Maguire said: “I am delighted to have taken over as Chief Inspector from Kit Chivers and look forward to building relationships with CJI's partner agencies in the criminal justice system.  The Inspectorate is making a valuable contribution to the criminal justice system and I believe elected local representatives and local people are taking an interest in the findings of CJI’s reports."

Dr. Michael Maguire has joined CJI as Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland.  Michael comes to CJI with over 20 years experience in management consultancy working at the highest level of the public sector in Ireland.  Prior to taking up his post, Michael was a partner in the global consultancy firm PA Consulting.
A light touch review of Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland and its work has been carried out on behalf of the Criminal Justice Policy Division of the Northern Ireland Office. The review which was carried out during the spring of 2008 commended the Inspectorate’s collaborative approach to inspection and recognised the thematic and cross-cutting inspections were highly regarded.  To view a copy of the review please follow this link.
An inspection of the crime investigations function of the Royal Mail Group by CJI has found that investigations being carried out by Royal Mail Investigators in Northern Ireland are to a high standard.  Case files have been found to compare favourably with other areas of the United Kingdom served by the Royal Mail Group. Inspectors have recommended that developing a direct method of presenting case files to the Public Prosecution Services for a prosecution decision however would help to streamline current processes and further enhance communication.
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt. Hon Shaun Woodward MP, has appointed Dr Michael Maguire to replace Kit Chivers as the new Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland.  Dr Maguire is a partner in PA Consulting Group.  He will take up his appointment as Chief Inspector with CJI on 1 September.
Kit Chivers met with Junior Minister Gerry Kelly MLA at Stormont to discuss the findings of the recent HMIP/CJI inspection of Hydebank Wood Young Offender Centre.
Criminal Justice Inspection has praised the work carried out by hostels that accommodate offenders in Northern Ireland and the contribution they are making towards local public protection arrangements in an inspection report published today.  The report on the hostels, which are officially known as approved premises, found that risk management issues were taken very seriously by each of the facilities.  They report confirms Inspectors had found evidence of good practice during the course of the inspection.  A number of recommendations have been made by CJI’s Inspectors to further enhance current arrangements.
A report of an inspection of Hydebank Wood Young Offender Centre (YOC) carried out by CJI and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons has indicated the YOC is struggling to deal with managing the needs of a variety of remanded and sentenced young men and juveniles.  The YOC, which is located on a site shared with Ash House, Northern Ireland’s women’s prison, was found not to be performing effectively when Inspectors visited the facility last November.
CJI has welcomed the Action Plan published by the Department of the Environment in response to its inspection of Enforcement within the DoE. Brendan McGuigan, Deputy Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice said it was heartening to see the commitment demonstrated by the DoE to taking the recommendations contained in the inspection report forward.  “We look forward to revisiting the DoE and its Executive Agencies to assess the progress made against this Action Plan in the future,” he said.
A new inspection report on Community Restorative Justice Ireland (CRJI) has recommended the organisation is now ready to seek accreditation under the Government Protocol for Community-Based Restorative Justice.  The inspection carried out by CJI found that progress had been made by the CRJI to address the recommendations made by the Inspectorate in its pre-inspection report published in October 2007.
A report on corporate governance arrangements within the Youth Justice Agency has been published today by CJI.  The report confirms that sound structures and corporate governance arrangements exist within the agency. Please follow the link to read or download an electronic version of the report.
Robust targeted enforcement is the key to reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on Northern Ireland’s roads according to a joint inspection report on Roads Policing by CJI and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).  The report which makes nine recommendations for improvement to the PSNI also includes an action plan from the Police Service setting out how the organisation plans to tackle the issues raised by both Inspectorates.  Inspectors from CJI and HMIC teamed up with representatives of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate for this inspection to provide an all-island perspective on roads policing.  This is the first time inspectors from jurisdictions in northern and southern Ireland have worked together.  Brendan McGuigan said CJI was delighted to have the input of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate on this particular topic as many of the problems encountered on Northern Ireland’s roads were shared by the Republic of Ireland.  A separate report by the Garda Síochána Inspectorate is due to be published in the near future.
CJI and HMCIP have published a joint inspection of Ash House, Northern Ireland’s women’s prison.  The report recognised the work being carried out by Prison Service staff to mitigate the fact that Ash House is inappropriately located within the male young offenders centre site at Hydebank Wood, but Inspectors have once again urged the Prison Service to establish a separate women’s facility to meet the specific needs of female prisoners. 
A joint review of Scientific Support Services within the PSNI carried out by Criminal Justice Inspection and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary has welcomed the steady progress made by police to improve its services. CJI’s Chief Inspector Kit Chivers indicated that the Inspectorates were please to see a further five recommendations had been fully achieved and another nine recommendations had been significantly progressed since Scientific Services were last examined 12 months ago. He added that Inspectors were assured the PSNI viewed Scientific Support Services as critical to the investigation and detection of crime, and that it will undertake further work to achieve the completion of all outstanding recommendations
Paul Mageean has left his post with the CJI inspection team to take up a new appointment as Director of the University of Ulster’s new Graduate School of Professional Legal Education based at Magee College, Derry/Londonderry.  Paul has been a valued member of CJI’s staff since his appointment in June 2005.  Paul takes with him the best wishes of the Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector, his colleagues in the Inspection team and all other members of staff at CJI as he commences his new role.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its first inspection report of the purpose-built Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre.  Inspectors reported that Woodlands was a well-managed facility that struck a good balance between caring for difficult children and addressing their offending behaviour.  Copies of the report can be downloaded or viewed here.
Minister Paul Goggins MP announced that he had asked CJI to conduct an independent review of the arrangements for assessing and testing life sentence prisoners prior to their release.  Responding to the announcement Kit Chivers said: “I see this review as an important opportunity to provide the Minister and the public with an independent view of the arrangements that are currently in place.  I hope the review will assist the Prison Service and other agencies in providing arrangements that will enhance public protection in Northern Ireland in the future.”
CJI has published a follow-up review of its inspection of Benefit Investigation Services (BIS) within the Social Security Agency (SSA). The review, which assessed the progress made by the agency in addressing recommendations made in its 2006 report, found that good progress had been made and 15 recommendations had been achieved.  Speaking following the publication of the report, Kit Chivers said: “CJI welcomes the commitment and effort the Benefit Investigation Service and the Social Security Agency have put into progressing the recommendations contained in the original inspection report. The work undertaken to date will undoubtedly enhance their contribution to the criminal justice system and help BIS and the SSA make the best use of the information and resources available to it to tackle benefit fraud in Northern Ireland in the most effective way.”
Criminal Justice Inspection has praised the work being undertaken by Belfast Harbour Police to improve the policing service it offers within the harbour estate in an inspection report published today.
Kit Chivers and Tom McGonigle spoke at a conference on Women in the Justice System organised by the NI Prison Service at Hillsborough Castle.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published the results of its 2008 Omnibus Survey.  The survey, which was carried out on behalf of CJI by NISRA in January, has found that public awareness of the organisations remains steady with around one in four people survey having heard of CJI.   It has also shown that public confidence in the Inspectorate’s to act independently of Government has grown by 15% compared with the previous year.  The full results of the survey can be viewed by following the link above.
Kit Chivers and Dame Nuala O’Loan addressed a seminar hosted by the Irish School of Ecumenics in west Belfast.   The seminar was part of the Moral Maze series supported by Belfast City Council.  During his speech which looked at restoring relationships, Kit warned that it would be wrong to look to the criminal justice system to bear the whole responsibility for resolving the legacy of the Troubles.  Instead he suggested that consideration be given to establishing a negotiated framework of official forgiveness through which all parties including the authorities could acknowledge responsibility in generic terms for things done which with hindsight they regret.  The full text of Kit’s speech can be viewed by clinking on this link.
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has advertised to recruit a successor to Kit Chivers as Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice, when Kit retires at the end of July. For further information on this post, please visit www.penna.com/recruitment quoting the reference number 26694.  The closing date for applications is Thursday 8 May 2008.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has unveiled its Business Plan for 2008-09.  The plan outlines the work the Inspectorate intends to undertake during the coming financial year.
Paula McCullough joins CJI as an Administrative Support Officer
Kit Chivers was a panel speaker, along with ACC Paul Leighton, Prison Director Robin Masefield, Victim Support’s Susan Reid and Guardian columnist Erwin James, at the Probation Board’s Centenary Celebration at the Galgorm Resort Centre near Ballymena.  Kit spoke about the growing importance of the Probation Service as the lead agency in assessing the danger posed by offenders.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published a follow-up review of its inspection report on the provision of care for victims and witnesses in Northern Ireland. The report notes that 25 of the 37 recommendations made in the Inspectorate’s original 2005 report have been achieved, but it has urged those involved in strengthening the existing arrangements to ensure the outstanding recommendations are implemented as soon as possible.  Chief Inspector Kit Chivers stressed the needs of victims and witnesses must continue to be given priority as they played a vital role in the criminal justice system.

Kit Chivers, Brendan McGuigan and James Corrigan James Corrigan, kit Chivers and Brendan McGuigangave evidence to the Assembly’s Environment Committee on the recommendations made by the Inspectorate in its report on Enforcement by the Department of the Environment.  They were warmly welcomed by Committee Chairman Patsy McGlone MLA.  Speaking after the event, Kit said: “Members of the Environment Committee were extremely interested in the work CJI had undertaken on road safety as well as on environmental crime.  We had a very useful exchange with the Committee and look forward to meeting with it again to discuss the DOE’s response to our report and to talk about our inspection of Roads Policing when it is published.”


Criminal Justice Inspection has published its first inspection report on the Youth Justice Agency’s Youth Conference Service. The inspection found the Youth Conference Service (YCS) to be delivering an effective and useful service which focuses on getting the balance right between the needs of young offenders and victims.  The report also indicated that the Youth Conference Service was nearing its capacity and would be unable to sustain its current workload of about 2000 referrals per year unless steps were taken and additional resources made available.  CJI’s Deputy Chief  Inspector, Brendan McGuigan presented the main findings of the report to an invited audience attending a simulated Youth Conference hosted by the Youth Justice Agency at Youth Action Northern Ireland in Belfast.  For further details of the event, see the separate blog entry.
Criminal Justice Inspection has launched a public survey encouraging members of local communities from across Northern Ireland to tell the Inspectorate what matters to them.  The short survey, which can be completed by following this link aims to find out directly from local people what are the main issues concerning crime and how it is dealt with that interest them.  Adverts publicising the survey and encouraging local participation have been placed in local newspapers across Northern Ireland to coincide with Criminal Justice Week.  Information received through this community engagement exercise will help CJI to shape future inspection programmes

Criminal Justice Inspection hosted its annual Stakeholder Conference at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast.  The one-day conference looked at the benefits and challenges the devolution of policing and criminal justice would present for statutory and voluntary and community organisations working within the criminal justice sector.  The conference was opened by the Attorney General, the Rt. Hon Baroness Scotland QC.  Other speakers who addressed the audience of over 100 delegates included the Lord Advocate of Scotland, the Rt. Hon Elish Angiolini QC and the Chairman of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Sir Patrick Cormack MP.  They were joined by Aideen Glimore, Deputy Director of the Committee on the Administration of Justice and Steve Costello, Chairman of the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland.

During the one-day conference Kit Chivers gave his annual review during which he spoke of the work undertaken by the Inspectorate during the course of the year and examined the issue of the devolution of policing and criminal justice.  The conference also provided an opportunity for CJI to consult its stakeholders on its draft inspection programme for 2008-09.  Brendan McGuigan gave a brief overview of the topics and areas within the criminal justice system that CJI intended to inspect and review.  He encouraged delegates to help shape the organisation’s next three-year Corporate Plan by indicating the areas where they, as participants within the criminal justice system, felt the Inspectorate should focus its efforts in the future.

Kit Chivers was invited to meet President Mary McAleese at the Aras an Uachtarain as part of a group of Ombudsmen and regulators which included Human Rights Commissioner Monica McWilliams, Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson and Information Commissioner Marie Anderson.
Kit Chivers and Tom McGonigle met with a group of newly promoted Governors in the NI Prison Service to discuss current issues in the Prison Service and recommendations arising out of recent inspections.
CJI has advertised to recruit an Administration Support Officer to join its Business Support Team in Belfast.  Candidates can obtain further information on the selection criteria and the duties and responsibilities of the post by contacting Brenda Ferris at Grafton Recruitment on 028 90 895803 or via e-mail [email protected]
Kit Chivers, Brendan McGuigan and Tom McGonigle gave evidence to the Ad Hoc Committee on the draft Criminal Justice Order, which will end automatic 50% remission and introduce new indeterminate and extended sentences for dangerous offenders.

Kit Chivers extended a warm welcome to the Minister for the Courts in Northern Ireland, David Hanson MP when he visited CJI’s Belfast office for the first time since his appointment to the Ministry of Justice.

Photo shows (left to right) Brendan McGuigan, Deputy Chief Inspector CJI; Courts Minister, David Hanson MP;  Jacqui Durkin, Head of Court Operations, NICtS; Kit Chivers, Chief Inspector CJI; and David Lavery, Director of the Court Service in Northern Ireland.
Minister was joined by David Lavery, Director of the Court Service in Northern Ireland and Jacqui Durkin (Head of Court Operations, NICTS) for the meeting with CJI’s Chief Inspector and his deputy, Brendan McGuigan. 


Criminal Justice Minister Paul Goggins, MP was among the guests who attended Criminal Justice Inspection’s Christmas reception.  The Minister was joined at the lunchtime event by representatives from Northern Ireland’s criminal justice agencies and the voluntary and community sector.  During the reception CJI’s Chief Inspector Kit Chivers thanked those present for the help and assistance they had provided during the year.
Criminal Justice Inspection has presented its 2006-07 Annual Report and Accounts to Parliament following its approval by the Comptroller and Auditor General of the National Audit Office.  The report tracks the progress of Criminal Justice Inspection during the last financial year.
Criminal Justice Inspection has issued invitations to attend its 2008 Stakeholder Conference at the Stormont Hotel, Belfast, on Thursday 17 January.  The one-day conference will provide an opportunity for CJI to consult its stakeholders on its work over the past year and its proposals for 2008-09.  The conference will have a special focus on the prospects for devolution of policing and criminal justice in Northern Ireland.  It will also provide an opportunity to learn from the experience of others and provide a forum for discussion on the benefits and challenges that devolution will present.  To keep informed on the 2008 Stakeholder Conference, please visit our Stakeholder Conference webpage by clicking on the link.
Kit Chivers gave evidence to the Consultative Group on the Past chaired by Lord Eames and Denis Bradley
A follow-up report on the management of sex offenders in Northern Ireland has been published by Criminal Justice Inspection.  The report found that progress had been made by the various agencies involved in managing the risk posed by sex offenders since its last report was published in December 2006.  This report concludes the work undertaken by the Inspectorate following the murder of Strabane pensioner Attracta Harron.
Section 45 of the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 has come into effect.  This provision brings the Northern Ireland Court Service (NICTS), the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission and the Life Sentence Review Commissioners within CJI’s remit.  CJI’s Chief Inspector Kit Chivers welcomed the development adding that the Inspectorate looked forward to working with the organisations in the future.

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland has today published its inspection report on Community Restorative Justice Ireland.

Danielle Reaney joins CJI as an Inspection Support Officer.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published a report on enforcement within the Department of the Environment and its regulatory agencies – the Driver and Vehicle Agency; the Environment and Heritage Service and the Planning Service.  The report has called on the DoE to adopt a more direct, determined approach to enforcement as part of its regulatory responsibilities and to get touch with hard core offenders involved in environmental and vehicle-related crime.  The report makes 15 recommendations for improvement.
A follow-up review of the Causeway IT system has been published by Criminal Justice Inspection.  Causeway is a multi-million pound IT project aimed at improving the exchange of information between criminal justice agencies in Northern Ireland.  The review has found two thirds of the recommendations made in CJI’s original inspection report (published in July 2007) have been achieved and that corporate governance arrangements have been improved.
CJI has praised the work Office of the Police Ombudsman in its follow-up inspection review.  The review showed the Office of the Police Ombudsman had implemented the majority of 13 major and 14 minor recommendations made by Inspectors in their original inspection report published in December 2005
Kit Chivers and Brendan McGuigan attended the launch of a five-year strategy aimed at improving the services and level of support provided to victims and witnesses of crime in Northern Ireland.  The strategy, which was developed by a multi-agency group the Victims, Vulnerable or Intimidated Witnesses Steering Group (VVIW), Victim Support NI and the NSPCC, was unveiled in the Hilton Hotel, Belfast by the Criminal Justice Minister Paul Goggins, MP.  The strategy for 2007-12 contains many of the recommendations made by CJI in its 2005 inspection report on Victims and Witnesses.  The launch was also attended by the Lord Chief Justice, the Rt. Hon Sir Brian Kerr, Susan Reid, Chief Executive of Victim Support NI and Martin Crummey, Director, NSPCC Northern Ireland.  Electronic copies of the strategy document are available on the websites of the NIO and the CJSNI website as well as from the websites of other partner organisations.
Assistant Inspector Ian Craig presented a paper on Transitive Discrimination at the British Criminology Society Conference in London.  Ian also chaired a discussion session during the three-day conference.
CJI’s Paul Mageean gave a briefing on International Human Rights Standards to the Bill of Rights Forum’s Working Part on Criminal Justice and Victims at the Interpoint Centre in Belfast.
Paul Mageean gave an address on OPCAT at an event organised by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties held in Law Society House in Dublin.
CJI has advertised to recruit a Business Support Officer and IT Systems Administrator to join its Business Support Team in Belfast.  Candidates can obtain further information on the selection criteria and the duties and responsibilities of both posts by contacting John McClenaghan at Grafton Recruitment on 028 90 895803 or via e-mail [email protected]

Criminal Justice Inspection has published two follow-up reviews on Forensic Science Northern Ireland and Scientific Support Services within the PSNI. Both reports examine progress on recommendations contained in the Inspectorate’s original reports which were published in 2005.  The acknowledge the progress which has been made by both organisations while highlighting areas where further improvements can be made.

Criminal Justice Inspection has made public the findings of its first inspection of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (PPS).  The report found that based on the extensive file sample examined by us the PPS was independent in its decision making, but it could do more to publicly reassure the community of this.  The report contains a number of recommendations and issues to address which Inspectors believe will further enhance the Service.  The inspection was carried out by Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) under the delegated authority of Kit Chivers, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.  Copies of the report can be downloaded from this website.
Northern Ireland Alternatives invited Kit Chivers to give a short speech to invited guests after the community-based restorative justice scheme (CBRJ) secured accreditation under the Government’s protocol for the operation of CBRJ schemes in Northern Ireland.  The event was hosted in the Long Gallery, Stormont by Dawn Purvis MLA and Fred Cobain MLA.  Other speakers who addressed the audience included Stephen Leach, NIO Criminal Justice Division, Raymond Kitson, Public Prosecution Service, Chief Inspector Nigel Grimshaw, PSNI, Koulla Yiasouma, Director of the Board of N I Alternatives.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its inspection report on how complaints are handled within the criminal justice system.  The report has recommended the establishment of an independent complaints appeals body which would deal with complaints from all areas of the justice system except the PSNI.  The inspection was carried out with the assistance of office of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA).
Rachel Tupling joins CJI’s Inspection Team as an Inspector.
An inspection report on the Northern Ireland Resettlement Strategy has been published by Criminal Justice Inspection.  The report looked at the work that has been undertaken by the Prison Service, Probation Service and other statutory and voluntary agencies since the strategy was launched in 2004.  The inspection found good work is being done to prepare prisoners for settling back into the community on their release from prison and reduce their likelihood of re-offending, but it has urged the Prison Service to strike a greater balance between security and resettlement work.
The Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 has received Royal Assent. CJI’s inspection remit under the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 has been extended to include the Northern Ireland Courts Service, Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission and Life Sentence Review Commissioners.  It will consult and work with the Lord Chancellor as it undertakes inspection work involving the Courts Service and Legal Services Commission, but will not be inspect people making or exercising judicial decisions.   CJI has also been given statutory powers under the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 in relation to its inspection of community based restorative justice (CBRJ) schemes.  Under the legislation, CBRJ schemes seeking accreditation under the Government Protocol for Community Based Restorative Justice Schemes, must co-operate with the Chief Inspector and all CJI reports on community based restorative justice schemes must be laid before Parliament.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its follow-up review of the Compensation Agency.  The review examined progress made by the organisation against 10 recommendations made in the Inspectorate’s initial inspection report published 18 months ago.  The review has shown half of the recommendations have already been achieved and the Compensation Agency is committed to implementing the outstanding recommendations.  Copies of the review and the original inspection report can be downloaded from this website.

An inspection report on Human Resource Management in the PSNI which CJI made a contribution to has been published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).  Copies of the report can be downloaded from the HMIC website.


Further information on the findings of the inspection can be obtained from HMIC North of England Region on (01924) 237700.

Kit Chivers spoke of the challenges to devolution presented by governance and accountability, resources and competing demands and need to change the culture of the criminal justice system when he addressed stakeholders attending the annual Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland conference at the Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast. Other speakers who addressed the conference included Criminal Justice Minister Maria Eagle, the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, PSNI Chief Constable, Sir Hugh Orde and Olwen Lyner of NIACRO.  Representatives of the DUP, Sinn Fein, SDLP, UUP, Alliance Party, and PUP who also attended the one-day event, gave their views on both the challenges presented by devolution and the possible devolution of policing and justice powers next year.
Northern Ireland’s Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice has welcomed the commitment given by the Attorney General to reduce the average time it takes for cases to be brought before the courts over the next three years.  Kit Chivers said he welcomed the announcement made by Lord Goldsmith at the Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland Conference in Belfast. The new targets mean for example the time for Crown Court cases to move from charge stage to when a decision is taken to prosecute will drop by 30% from 201 days in 2006 to 140 days by 2010/11.
HH Judge Dermot Kinlen and Governor Jim Woods from the Republic of Ireland’s Inspectorate of Prisons and Places of Detention met with Kit Chivers and Tom McGonigle at CJI’s Belfast headquarters. During the meeting they discussed their respective methods of working.  The Inspectorate of Prisons and Places of Detention became statutory with effect from 1 May 2007.
Kit Chivers gave a presentation to participants on the 2007 Common Purpose Crime Challenge Day who were examining the issue of how to re-integrated sex offenders into the community.  As part of the event, participants visited Maghaberry Prison and met with stakeholders involved in the assessment and management of sex offenders.  The challenge day concluded with a panel discussion involving the Chief Inspector and Tom McGonigle from CJI as well as William McCauley, Strategy and Policy Co-ordinator with the Northern Ireland Sex Offenders Management Committee and Andrew Rooke, Assistant Director with the Probation Board for Northern Ireland.
The Government agreed to accept in principle an amendment suggested by Lord Trimble, giving CJI statutory powers to inspect community-based restorative justice schemes.  The Commons agreed to a re-drafting of Lord Trimble's amendment, and it is now for the Lords to consider whether they can accept the re-draft, which forms part of the Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill.
Kit Chivers gave evidence to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee hearing on Prisons in Northern Ireland.  He was joined for the session by Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons in England and Wales.
CJI has published its initial inspection of four community-based restorative justice schemes supervised by Northern Ireland Alternatives.  The Inspectorate was asked to inspect the schemes by Criminal Justice Minister David Hanson, MP.  The report assessed whether or not the schemes had the potential to meet the standard required for accreditation under the Government Protocol.  The report has been presented to the Minister for his consideration.

Paul Mageean has co-authored an essay examining Article Two of the European Convention of Human Rights.  The essay is included in a new book entitled Judges, Transition and Human Rights (OUP, 2007) edited by Professors John Morison, Kieran McEvoy and Gordon Anthony from the School of Law at Queen’s University, Belfast.

The book was published in memory of Prof. Stephen Livingstone, a former Professor of Law at QUB who died in 2004. Paul was asked to contribute to the book because of his personal understanding of Article Two and the cases he was involved in during his time with the Committee on the Administration of Justice.

CJI’s Paul Mageean represented the Inspectorate at a two-day conference on the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention Against Torture.  The international conference hosted by the University of Bristol School of Law, was attended by representatives of organisations from around the world which may be designated as National Preventative Mechanisms (NPMs) to ensure torture or ill-treatment does not occur in places of detention in their jurisdiction.
CJI has published its Business Plan for 2007-2008 which includes a timetable for inspections due to be carried out in the current financial year.  It also contains a list of the Action Plan Reviews the Inspectorate will conduct during the next 12 months.
Brendan McGuigan gave a presentation on the findings of CJI’s report on the management of Hate Crime at a seminar in Dublin organised to coincide with the Intercultural and Anti Racism Week in Ireland. Delegates attending the seminar were keen to learn how race crimes were dealt with by the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland and how existing processes could be made more effective.
Chief Inspectors from the fields of Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Social Services across the UK met in Belfast for a joint meeting hosted by Kit Chivers.  The meeting was chaired by Marion Matchett, Chief Inspector of Education and Training and attended by guest speaker Sir George Bain, author of the recent report on education reform in Northern Ireland.  During the one-day meeting at the W5 complex at the Odyssey, delegates considered the issue of inspectorate reform.  They also discussed the occupational standards for inspection recently prepared by the Sector Skills council ‘Skills for Justice.’  The Chief Inspectors also examined the dilemmas they face in striking a balance between ‘broad and shallow’ inspection and ‘deep and narrow’ inspection.  As a result of the meeting, a commitment was given for the various inspectorates to work collectively to establish their duties and responsibilities.
CJI’s Deputy Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan travelled to Brussels to give a presentation to 20 members of EUJUST LEX – the European Union Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq.  The EU Mission is designed to address the urgent needs of the Iraqi criminal justice system and to strengthen the rule of law and promote a culture of respect for human rights in Iraq.  Members of the mission – which include judges, police officers and prison governors from member states within the EU -- believe there needs to be a strategic plan for the criminal justice system in Iraq.  They were very interested in the Criminal Justice Review and the Criminal Justice Implementation Plan which is transforming the system in Northern Ireland.  The Mission is led by former PSNI/RUC Assistant Chief Constable Stephen White.
Kit Chivers gave a presentation on the findings of CJI's recent inspection on how hate crime is managed by the criminal justice system to the All-Party Working Group on black and ethnic minority people at Belfast City Hall.  The group is made up of MLAs of all political parties and representatives of voluntary organisations from across Northern Ireland.
CJI  has welcomed the Government’s publication of its consultation paper on a new strategy for Victims and Witnesses, in response to CJI’s report of July 2005.  The paper can be viewed on the Criminal Justice System website or on the NIO website.

Criminal Justice Inspection’s Annual Stakeholder Conference is held at the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick.

The event which brings together representatives of Northern Ireland’s Criminal Justice system and voluntary and community groups who work within the sector this year is looking at the issue of Justice in a Changing Community.  Among the speakers joining  Kit Chivers, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland in addressing delegates at the one-day conference are Paul Goggins MP, Minister for Security, Policing and Prisons, Sir Hugh Orde, Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Kathleen O’Toole, Chief Inspector of the Garda Síochána Inspectorate.  They will also be addressed by Professor Kieran McEvoy, Queen’s University, Belfast, Brendan McAllister, Director of Mediation Northern Ireland, Patrick Yu from the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities (NICEM) and James Knox from the Coalition on Sexual Orientation (COSO).  During the course of the day, CJI Inspectors will consult Stakeholders on the proposed Inspection Programme for 2007-08.


A thematic inspection on how the Criminal Justice system in Northern Ireland manages hate crime has been published by Criminal Justice Inspection.  The report recommends a more consistent, integrated and systematic approach to the reporting, recording, investigation and prosecution of these offences would improve the existing system.  It also recognises the commendable commitment displayed by the various criminal justice agencies to tackling the issue.


Two separate reports by Criminal Justice Inspection into how the PSNI deals with volume crime and the use of police bail have been laid before the Houses of Parliament today.
A report of the findings of a joint unannounced follow-up inspection of Magilligan Prison carried out by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons and Criminal Justice Inspection has been published.  The report indicated that improving accommodation was the key to unlocking the potential of the prison and its staff. Inspectors visited the prison between 10 and 19 May 2006.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its Annual Report for 2005-06. The report charts the progress of the organisation over the last financial year and provides a brief outline of all inspections carried out and published between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2006. Hard copies of the Annual Report can be obtained by writing, phoning or e-mailing CJI directly.
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its interim review on the management of sex offenders in light of the murder of Strabane pensioner Attracta Harron.  The review was carried out by CJI at the request of Criminal Justice Minister David Hanson MP.
“Chief Inspector Kit Chivers chairs the Specialist Accommodation Forum conference on Managing Change and Improving Outcomes for Young People at the Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick.”
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its review of the contribution made by the voluntary and community sector to the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.  The review recognises the important contribution voluntary and community sector groups currently make and the challenges they will face in the future.
CJI has advertised to recruit an Inspector with experience in Human Resources.  Candidates can obtain further information on the selection criteria and the duties and responsibilities of the post by contacting John McClenaghan at Grafton Recruitment on 028 90 895803 or via e-mail [email protected] or from the following web page www.loadzajobs.co.uk
Criminal Justice Inspection has published its report on Community Safety Partnerships.  The report recognised the dedication shown by CSP members and co-ordinators to the concept of community safety, but indicated that CSPs need a firmer legislative basis for their work.
CJI Chief Inspector Kit Chivers gave evidence to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee on community restorative justice. Also giving evidence at this session were Lord Clyde, the former Justice Oversight Commissioner, and the Chairman and Chief Officer of the Probation Board for Northern Ireland. 
Amanda Hannan has taken up the post of Inspection Support Officer with CJI.

Criminal Justice Inspection has published its first follow-up review. The review examined progress made on 30 recommendations included in the inspection report on the State Pathologist’s Department which was published in June 2005. The follow-up review revealed that 15 of the recommendations had not yet been achieved.  In light of this, CJI’s Chief Inspector Kit Chivers has given a commitment that CJI will conduct a further review in 2007.

A letter from Chief Inspector Kit Chivers on the Government’s proposal to merge the Prisons Inspectorate into a unified Justice and Community Safety Inspectorate in England and Wales was published in The Times. The proposal was defeated in a vote in the House of Lords on 10 October and now needs to be re-considered by the Commons.

Brendan McGuigan participated in the Ballymena ‘Your Turn’ programme with students from local schools and colleges.  The event, held in the Leghinmhor Hotel was organised by Common Purpose.  The programme encourages young people from different backgrounds to come together to face up to common problems and to think in news ways about the area where they live.

The CJI Inspection team visited the Belfast offices of the Regulatory and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) to discuss how the two agencies could work together in the future.  The meeting was attended by the Chief Executive of the RQIA Stella Burnside and members of her senior team.
Kit Chivers and Paul Mageean met with Alex Attwood the SDLP’s Policing spokesman and West Belfast MLA to discuss a number of issues including the protocols for community based restorative justice schemes.  Mr Attwood was joined at the meeting by his party colleague Brian Barrington.
CJI is to carry out an independent inspection of the action taken by criminal justice agencies to strengthen arrangements for the management of sex offenders following the sentencing of Trevor Hamilton for the murder of Strabane pensioner Attracta Harron.  Chief Inspector Kit Chivers was asked to carry out the inspection work by the Minister for Criminal Justice David Hanson MP.
CJI published its first report on the Causeway IT programme.  Causeway is an electronic case management system which assists criminal justice agencies to exchange information between one another.

Kit Chivers, Brendan McGuigan and members of the CJI Inspection team welcomed Dawn Purvis and David Ervine, MLA of the Progressive Unionist Party to CJI headquarters as part of the CJI’s efforts to engage with all political parties and key opinion formers.


Ulster Unionist Party leader Sir Reg Empey and North Down MP Lady Sylvia Hermon met with CJI as part of on-going efforts by the Chief Inspector and his staff to engage with different political parties and key opinion formers.


Brendan McGuigan gave a presentation to a group of senior police officers, judges and prison governors from Iraq who were attending a course at Bramshill Police Staff College in Hampshire on the challenges faced post conflict for a criminal justice system.  During the presentation, the Deputy Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice explained how inspection could contribute positively towards the change and improvement of criminal justice systems.

Kit Chivers and Brendan McGuigan met with three representatives of the Alliance Party as part of ongoing efforts to develop greater understanding of the work of CJI and to engage with members of different political parties and key opinion formers.  The meeting was attended by Dr Stephen Farry Alliance Party Justice spokesman, Allan Leonard, Alliance Party General Secretary and Robert Logan, a member of Carrickfergus DPP.

CJI published its inspection report of the Social Security Agency’s Benefit Investigation Service.

CJI published its thematic inspection on Avoidable Delay within the criminal justice system.  The report was handed over to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Peter Hain and other Ministers following a presentation on its findings by Kit Chivers Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice and CJI Inspector James Corrigan in London.
CJI and HM Inspector of Prisons published a joint Inspection of Maghaberry Prison.  The Inspection report into Maghaberry Prison and press release can be found on the CJI website.
The Chief Inspector addressed a private meeting of Craigavon District Policing Partnership.  Mr Chivers spoke to the Chairman and DPP members about the work of CJI and the part they would play in a forthcoming inspection of Community Safety Partnerships that includes Craigavon.
CJI (Kit Chivers and Paul Mageean) again set the challenge for Common Purpose’s annual Challenge Day on the criminal justice system. A total of 37 participants in the Common Purpose programme spent a day wrestling with topical issues in the field of criminal justice, starting with a morning in Maghaberry Prison and visiting a range of agencies and voluntary organisations in the afternoon. The evening feedback session featured a panel comprising Resident Magistrate Fiona Bagnall, Alice Chapman (YJA), Fiona Greene (VSNI), Debbie Watters (NI Alternatives), Adrian Arbuthnot (NIO), Pat Conway (NIACRO) and Kit Chivers.
Secretary of State Peter Hain has re-appointed Kit Chivers as Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for a further two years commencing on the 4 August 2006. Kit was appointed in 2003 for three years with the possibility of extension to five.
The Chief Inspector signs a protocol for co-operation with the NI Prisoner Ombudsman, Brian Coulter.
Meloney McVeigh joins CJI as Media and Communications Officer.

Sinn Fein representatives Raymond McCartney, Ciaran Kearney and Mike Ritchie call on CJI to discuss CJI’s published reports, the future work programme, and issues around community restorative justice.

The Secretary of State, Peter Hain states that CJI will inspect the effectiveness of Anti-Social Behavioural Orders (ASBOs) in Northern Ireland.  He also mentions that there is to be an in-house evaluation of the ASBO scheme this year. CJI’s inspection will take place in 2007.
CJI published its response to the consultation on community-based restorative justice.

The Chief Inspector gives a presentation to the NI Policing Board on proposed changes in the arrangements for inspection and on CJI’s plans for future inspections of the PSNI.  The plans will be published in April, subject to Ministerial approval

Dan Mulholland leaves CJI.  Dan was the NIO project manager who brought CJI into existence.  He is replaced as Business Manager by CJI Inspector Tom McGonigle on a part-time basis.  Tom will continue to lead inspections in his field of expertise.
Representatives of community-based restorative justice schemes meet with the Chief Inspector to discuss CJI’s proposed response to the Government’s consultation.
David Lidington MP,  Conservative spokesman on Northern Ireland, called on the Chief Inspector to discuss the current work of CJI .
The Irish News (p28) carried an article by CJI Inspector Paul Mageean about the Target-setting and Performance Management report, concentrating on the issue of improving public confidence in the criminal justice system.  The article was commented on favourably in the editorial (p10).
CJI published its report on the thematic review of Target-setting and Performance Management in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland.
Launching his Fifth Report , the Justice Oversight Commissioner, Lord Clyde, said: "I should like to stress the importance of the role of the Chief Inspector.  That office has a continuing and vital part to play in the improvement of standards of conduct and of efficient and effective performance".

CJI held its annual Stakeholder Conference at the Dunadry Hotel, Antrim. The event, which was attended by about 100 people from the criminal justice agencies, non-statutory organisations and other interested parties, was opened by the Criminal Justice Minister, David Hanson MP. In the morning Kit Chivers gave a speech on the past and present work of CJI. This was followed by a session, introduced by Conal Devitt (Head of the Community Safety Unit) and Olwen Lyner (Chief Executive of NIACRO) on the role of the voluntary and community sector in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland. In the afternoon CJI Deputy Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan presented for consultation CJI’s proposed inspection plans for the next three years

CJI Annual Report and Accounts for 2004-05 published.  The Annual Report without the accounts had been presented to Parliament in July 2005.

Alex Attwood MLA called on the Chief Inspector to discuss the Government's proposals on community-based restorative justice.


CJI published its report on the inspection of the Compensation Agency.