
The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice Jacqui Durkin has today published terms of reference for a review of Community Restorative Justice Ireland and its accredited schemes.

CJI has today welcomed Dr Claire Feehan to its Inspection Team.  

CJI has published terms of reference for a new inspection looking at the criminal justice system's approach to vulnerable older people.
A new inspection by CJI of Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre (Woodlands JJC) has praised the high standards of care and child-centred focus staff provided to children.
CJI working in partnership with Inspectors from the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) have today published terms of reference for a pilot joint inspection of child protection arrangements in Northern Ireland.
CJI wishes to acknowledge the sad loss and express our condolences to the Royal Family on the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has today (8 July 2022) published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2021-22.
An inspection on how the Legal Services Agency in Northern Ireland (LSANI) is using its IT system to process legal aid payments to solicitors and barristers has identified improvements in its efficiency and effectiveness.

The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland, Jacqui Durkin’s current term of office has been extended for a further two years.  The announcement was made by the Minister of Justice Naomi Long MLA earlier today.
Inspectors are to undertake a thematic review of how effectively approved premises contribute to resettlement, rehabilitation and public protection outcomes in Northern Ireland.
CJI’s Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin and Chief Executive James Corrigan have published the Inspectorate’s annual Business Plan and Inspection Programme for 2022-23 – the last in the current three-year Corporate Planning period.

A new report looking at the detention of persons in the custody of the court in Northern Ireland has found the quality of court custody areas in some courthouses are not fit for purpose.

Leadership and staff at Magilligan Prison have been commended by Inspectors for their efforts to successfully protect prisoners and colleagues during the COVID-19 pandemic while maintaining a regime where time out of cell for prisoners was retained for much of the day.
The UK National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) has today published its 12th Annual Report for 2020-21.  The report details the work carried out by CJI and other designated organisations to ensure the rights of those in places of detention such as prison and police custody.  This year’s report focuses on the challenges and impacts of the COVID pandemic on people deprived of their liberty in the UK, as well as on inspection and monitoring bodies.
Follow the link to the UK National Preventive Mechanism 2020-21 Annual Report to find out more.

An independent Review of Care and Supervision Units (CSUs) in Northern Ireland’s prisons urges improvements to meet United Nations Standard Minimum Rules (known as the Mandela Rules) and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons Expectations, to provide assurance and deliver better prisoner outcomes.