Inspectorate reports on the independence of the Police Ombudsman's Office
CJI's Chief Inspector Dr Michael Maguire has indicated the independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman has been lowered in an inspection report published today. View press release. View full report. View e-book.
The inspection which was conducted at the request of the Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson examines the legislative framework on which the Office operates, how it investigates complaints against serving police offices (current cases) and sensitive, complex and high profile historical cases.
Speaking following the publication of the report Dr Michael Maguire said: "The Inspectorate believes that the ways in which the Police Ombudsman's office has dealt with these cases has served to undermine rather than enhance its decision-making capacity. As a consequence of these contributory factors, its operational independence has been lowered.
Dr Maguire has also highlighted a number of significant management issues within the organisation which have impacted on its day-to-day functions.
As a result of the inspection, Dr Maguire has made six recommendations aimed at addressing the issues identified in the report one of which is the suspension of historical case investigation until the strategic plan for the Historical Investigations Directorate has been adequately resourced and becomes fully operational.