October - December

The PSNI has been found to be fulfilling its statutory responsibilities to disclose information to the Coroner in support of legacy inquests but existing processes have been described as complex and convoluted. View report page
Information about the work of the UK National Preventive Mechanism can now be found on Twitter @UKNPM. CJI is one of four bodies Northern  Ireland contributing to the work of the UK NMP to safeguard detainees . #OPCAT #UKNPM.
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has called on prison leadership to not lose focus or momentum in their effort to  deliver change at Maghaberry Prison continues. View Report Page
Hydebank Wood Secure College and Ash House women's prison are delivering a 'significant improvement in outcomes' for the young men and women held there according to CJI's Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan, following the publication of two inspection new inspection reports.  View Hydebank Wood Report Page / View Ash House Report Page
CJI Chief Inspector Brendan McGuigan has today published the findings of an inspection by CJI and RQIA of the standards and conditions of police custody arrangements in Northern Ireland.  View report page.