CJI Inspectors welcome Chinese visitors

On 23 August CJI Inspectors Tom McGonigle and Dr Ian Cameron met a delegation of 12 visitors on a study trip to London and Northern Ireland.
The delegates were on a visit organised by the Great Britain China Centre and included senior criminal justice officials and academics from the Centre for Criminal Procedure and Reform at Renmin University of China in Beijing.


The purpose of their visit was to strengthen understanding of the role of civil organisations in the prevention of torture.
The visit provided an opportunity for the Chinese officials to hear at first hand about the role of independent oversight and inspection bodies and to get a better understanding of how complaints systems operate.
They also met with other statutory UK oversight organisations and Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
The delegation was briefed on the work of CJI, the methodology used during inspection, and on the outcomes of recently completed inspections.
Delegates were particularly interested in the cross-agency remit of CJI, liaison arrangements with inspected agencies, the process for publication of reports and follow-up work to assess how recommendations have been implemented.