Inspectorates publish new report on Magilligan Prison

CJI and its inspection partners Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) have today published its latest inspection report on Magilligan Prison.  The report recognises improvements which have been made at the prison and calls for steps to be taken to address barriers to further progress. View report. View press release.

Inspectors have welcomed the establishment of two new residential units and health care building and have highlighted the quality of education, skills and work opportunities at the prison.  They have also recorded the progress made against the internationally recognised ‘healthy prison’ standards in on safety, respect, purposeful activity and resettlement.
Dr Michael Maguire, CJI’s Chief Inspector however said the report identified industrial action by the Northern Ireland Prison Officers Association – which was on-going when the inspection was carried out in late March and early April this year - as impacting on prisoners’ time out of cell and their access to activities.  The unsatisfactory standard of accommodation at the prison has also been highlighted in the report.