Criminal Justice Inspection 20th anniversary


2024 is a special year for Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) as we celebrate our 20th anniversary.CJI-20-Logo-Final.png

Since CJI was created two decades ago, we have continued to focus on independent and impartial inspections across the criminal justice system, aiming to encourage criminal justice organisations to make improvements and achieve outcomes towards a better justice system for all — a vision that remains relevant today in our ongoing work.

To mark our significant milestone, we will highlight an aspect of our work in a monthly update, providing insights into some of our previous inspections and activities, the value we have added, and how we have contributed to improvements. We will also profile our collaborations with others, including the organisations we inspect, other inspectorates, and the community and voluntary sector.
Join us in celebrating CJI's 20th anniversary in 2024, and we hope that you will be interested in the information we share with you throughout this year as we all continue working collectively towards achieving a better justice system for all.


Events timeline: