CJI Youth Friendly Inspection of Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre
Publication: 28/09/22
CJI Youth Friendly Inspection of Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre
CJI has produced a youth friendly version of its announced inspection of Woodlands Juvenile Justice Centre.
The report provides information on all aspects of Woodlands.
Inspectors wish to ensure young people, including those admitted to Woodlands now and in the future, know about what the Inspection Team looked at, what they found and what recommendations Inspectors made to make things better in the future. All recommendations have been accepted .
It is important information is provided for young people about the care received by those held at Woodlands at the time of the inspection fieldwork and that young people could have their say about their experiences.
This work forms an important part of CJI's United Kingdom National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) work monitoring the treatment and conditions for detainees, including children and young people, to safeguard them against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.