Inspection Reports

Criminal Justice Inspection’s reports detail the findings of the inspection team and the recommendations for improvement made by CJI as a result of each inspection.
Each inspection report is shared with the inspected organisation/s prior to publication to guarantee the accuracy of its content.
Since the devolution of policing and justice matters, all CJI’s inspection reports are presented to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
They are published in hard copy and electronic format. All electronic copies of CJI reports can be viewed within this section.  

The use of early guilty pleas - 13 February 2013

The use of early guilty pleas in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland

Maghaberry Prison - 17 December 2012

Report on an announced inspection of Maghaberry Prison 19 - 23 March 2012

Anti-Social Behaviour - 03 October 2012

An inspection of the criminal justice system's approach to addressing anti-social behaviour in Northern Ireland

Early Youth Interventions - 24 July 2012

An inspection of the contribution the criminal justice agencies in Northern Ireland make to preventing children and young people from entering the criminal justice system

The management of life and indeterminate sentence prisoners in Northern Ireland. - 06 July 2012

An inspection on the Management of life and indeterminate sentence prisoners in Northern Ireland.

Answering the Call - 27 June 2012

Answering the Call - An inspection of the Police Service of Northern Ireland Contact Management Arrangements

Telling Them Why - 17 May 2012

Telling Them Why - an inspection of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland giving of reasons for its decisions

Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service: An inspection of the adequacy of the courts estate - 01 May 2012

Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service: An inspection of the adequacy of the courts estate

The use of special measures in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland - 25 April 2012

The use of special measures in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland

Roe House Maghaberry Prison - 08 March 2012

an unannounced inspection of infection and prevention and hygiene

Protocol for the Joint Investigation of Alleged or Suspected Cases of Abuse of Vulnerable Adults - 23 February 2012

Joint Review by RQIA and CJI of the Protocol for Joint Investigation of Alleged and Suspected Cases of Abuse of Vulnerable Adults

Learning and Skills provision by the Northern Ireland Prison Service - 08 February 2012

An Inspection of Learning and Skills provision by the Northern Ireland Prison Service

Victims and Witnesses (Dec 2011) - 08 December 2011

The care and treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland

Resettlement (Oct 2011) - 17 October 2011

An inspection of prisoner resettlement by the Northern Ireland Prison Service
Displaying results 91-105 (of 185)
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