Making a Complaint

Making a complaint
Once you have examined the information we sent to you or our reasons for being unable to supply you with the information you requested do you now wish to make a further request for information? If this is the case please contact us.
There may be other reasons why you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information. Have we responded to you within the time limits set? Does the information we sent you match up with what you requested?  Have we refused to supply you with the information or part of it and you do not accept the reasons we have set out for doing so?
If you have a complaint or issue to raise about how we handled your request please write to us as soon as you can and explain in as much detail as you can why you are not happy with our response.  Address your complaint to:
Freedom of Information Complaint
Director of Information
Criminal Justice Inspection
Block 1, Knockview Buildings
Our commitment to you

If CJI receives a complaint in relation to how a Freedom of Information request has been handled we will:
  • Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days of receipt of it.
  • Review your initial request for information and how it was handled, with particular reference to the issues you raise in your letter of complaint
  • Forward our review to the Chief Executive of CJI who will consider the matter in full and send you a letter detailing his/her views on your complaint. 
If you are still dissatisfied with our response you have one year in which to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner at:
51 Adelaide Street,
Belfast, BT2 8FE,
Northern Ireland       
Tel: 028 9026 9380
Fax: 028 9051 1584
email:[email protected]