Inspectorate finds sound governance arrangements in Youth Justice Agency

Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) has published an inspection report on the governance arrangements within the Youth Justice Agency of Northern Ireland (YJA).

he inspection examined the principles, organisational structure and policies in place within the YJA.
“Since its launch in April 2003, the YJA has matured significantly in a very short period of time,” said Kit Chivers, Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.
“Inspectors found there is a sound organisational structure in place to ensure the YJA's operations are effectively managed and the YJA Board provides a good corporate foundation on which further organisational growth can be developed,” he said.
Commenting on the findings of the report, Mr Chivers said CJI had found evidence of an organisational commitment to risk management at all levels within the agency.
“This is something the YJA Board and its Audit Committee keep under scrutiny. The risk management process is challenged at several levels and we welcome the fact that it cascades to front line operational staff,” he said.
Mr Chivers continued: “While Inspectors found good standards of corporate governance, 11 recommendations have been made to further enhance the sound structures and management processes that currently exist.”
CJI recommended the YJA Management Board review how its Corporate and Business Plans are presented, in order to identify a simpler way to inform staff, partner agencies and the public, of its key targets and performance measures.
Overall, Mr Chivers said the Youth Justice Agency was well equipped to deliver its statutory responsibilities and CJI was impressed by the commitment it had shown to take the recommendations made in the report forward. 
“We look forward to seeing the work detailed in the Action Plan, which was submitted in response to the inspection report findings, come to fruition,” concluded the Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice.