Chief Inspector welcomes progress on Probation Practice inspection recommendations

CJI Chief Inspector Jacqui Durkin has welcomed the commitment shown by the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI) towards fully implementing 11 inspection recommendations made in CJI’s 2020 inspection of Probation Practice in Northern Ireland.
The Follow-Up Review report published today found work had been undertaken to fully implement one strategic and two operational recommendations and partially implement the remaining four strategic and four operational recommendations.
The recommendations were focused on delivering improvement in the PBNI’s staff morale and organisational culture and how it managed the risk of harm presented by men and women under probation supervision to others in the community.
“When Inspectors returned to assess progress earlier this year, we found work was undertaken to develop an inclusive organisation culture, increase consultation with staff and contact between staff at all levels and the Senior Management Team.  Inspectors also heard from PBNI managers and staff representatives that there was now a willingness to focus on learning and the development of professional practice rather than a fear and blame culture,” said Ms Durkin.
“The PBNI had experienced significant changes since the full inspection with a reconstituted Board, a new Chief Executive and a restructured senior leadership team.  The benefits of these were evident to Inspectors in this Follow-Up Review with improvements to organisational culture and trusted relationships.  There is no doubt that staff feel the PBNI is a better place to work than when Inspectors undertook their inspection fieldwork in 2019.
“While both Inspectors and the PBNI recognises that further work is required to sustain the improved organisational culture, fieldwork for this Follow-Up Review showed there had been a great deal of activity that was having a positive impact.  I would encourage the PBNI to continue the journey it has begun,” said Ms Durkin.
The Chief Inspector also welcomed the work ongoing in the PBNI to develop and improve the quality of its work to assess and manage the risk of harm and enable staff to develop their professional curiosity as part of their work to supervise offenders in the community.
Work to progress reform the outdated pay structure for PBNI staff was also positive and it is hoped this change will assist the PBNI to stabilise its workforce and address issues of staff turnover when it is implemented.
“The Chief Executive and her leadership team approached the self-assessment for this Follow-Up Review in a pragmatic and honest way,” said the Chief Inspector.
“As an Inspectorate, we don’t always find that, and it was refreshing to work with an organisation that truly reflects on its practice and recognises that there is more to be done; not only with the 2020 Inspection Report recommendations but by authentically embracing an ethos of continuous improvement.
“I have been impressed and encouraged by the leadership demonstrated and grip on these recommendations that have been used as a lever to drive change and improvement for service users and staff and I am ambitious about how the PBNI progresses as an organisation in the future but much more importantly, the PBNI and its staff are ambitious for what their future holds and the vital services they deliver,” said Ms Durkin.