Changes required to criminal justice performance evaluation and reporting


CJI's Deputy Chief Inspector James Corrigan has called for criminal justice organisations to change how they measure and report their performance. View Report page.

Mr Corrigan said that to link in with the objectives of the NI Executive's Programme for Government - and effectively demonstrate their part in supporting its achievement - criminal justice bodies need to focus more on delivering results through partnership working.
"Criminal Justice bodies need to shift to measuring their performance and success from a collective as well as individual basis," said the Deputy Chief Inspector.
"CJI has always been a strong advocate of partnership working between organisations, both within and outside the criminal justice system, and we believe this approach is central to delivering the outcomes and changes in society envisioned under the Programme for Government."
The Deputy Chief Inspector also recommended that key performance information should be made available to the public in a more accessible way.
"We suggest this information should be made easily accessible online in a way that allows members of the public to clearly see where progress is or is not being made by the criminal justice bodies," said Mr Corrigan.