Step 2 - Publication Scheme

Check out our publication scheme to help you identify the class of information you are looking for.
This publication scheme is a guide to the information routinely published by Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI).  It is not a list of the actual publications, since this will change over time, rather it is a description of the classes or types of information published. The classes of information are described in full below.  
Classes of information
This section of the publication scheme lists the classes of information that CJI produces both internally and externally.  It includes material which has been conventionally published in hard copy, material that is available on the website or, on request, in paper copy, and information which we use internally, for example, policies and information used for corporate governance.  All of these publications will be made available in hard copy on request.  The Inspectorate intends to place as much information as possible on its website.  This will be undertaken on a rolling basis as publications and other information become available.
Class 1:          Who we are and what we do
        The ‘About us’ section of the website contains information on: 
Class 2:          What we spend and how we spend it
Under Schedule 8 of Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 the Chief Inspector is required to submit an Annual Report to the Secretary of State on how the function has been exercised during the financial year.   A copy of the report is laid before both Houses of Parliament and is published.
The annual reports are available on the ‘Publications’ section of our website and will be available in hard copy if requested. There may be a charge for multiple copies, this charge will be based on the cost photocopying and postage
Class 3:          What our priorities are and how we are doing
The ‘Publications’ (Business Plans/Corporate Plans) section of our website contains information on our priorities and how we are doing. In addition The Inspections (Inspection Programme) section of our website contains information on planned work which is continuously updated. 
 CJI itself is subject to review. A ‘Light Touch Review’ of CJI has been carried out on behalf of the Criminal Justice Policy Division of the Northern Ireland Office. The review has been published on the CJSNI website.  To view a copy click here.
Class 4:          How we carry out inspections
The procedures for inspections published by CJI in “Operational guidelines for inspection” are downloadable from our website (The Inspections) section, and hard copies are available free of charge. 
 Class 5:          Our policies and procedures/ who we report to and who we inspect
The ‘About Us – Our Remit’ section of the website includes information on who we report to and who we inspect as well as our policies.  This class of information does not include information about individual members of staff and other individuals.  Policies are continually being revised and agreed and they will include the following: 
  • Policies for regulating the conduct of staff.
  • Policies and procedures concerning the recruitment, selection and development of staff.
  • Policies and procedures giving effect to CJI’s commitment to equality of opportunity.
  • Policies for the protection of staff and others.
These policies and others will be placed on our website and will be available in hard copy if requested. There may be a charge for multiple copies, this charge will be based on the cost photocopying and postage. 
Class 6:          Our activities
The ‘Press Releases and FAQs’ section of our website includes information on speeches, presentations, events and a news archive. In addition we publish all of our inspections on the website and make them available to download free of charge.  Anyone else may request a written copy of our inspection reports. There may be a charge for multiple copies, this charge will be based on the cost photocopying and postage.